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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Developing countries will be invited by the Group of 20 industrialised nations to join talks aimed at stopping multinationals dodge taxes, in a bid to defuse tensions over their limited role in global tax reform.


Finance ministers meeting in Shanghai later this week are expected to endorse proposals to open up talks on stopping “base erosion and profit shifting” (BEPSeps) to all countries willing to implement them.


Pascal Saint-Amans, the top tax official at the OECD, the Paris-based club of mostly rich nations which has been drawing up the Beps reforms, said the development was likely to be “a turning point in international taxation”.

总部设在巴黎、基本由富裕国家组成的经合组织(OECD)的最高税务官员帕斯卡尔圣阿芒(Pascal Saint-Amans)表示,这一发展可能成为“国际税务的一个转折点”。

The move follows criticism from some governments and campaign groups that plans drawn up over the past three years to tackle tax avoidance did not go far enough to help poorer countries collect corporate tax.


On Monday, Christine Lagarde, managing director of the International Monetary Fund, said that despite a significant effort to include developing countries in the BEPSeps talks, the measures did not “fully address” some of their specific specific requirements. She said that the BEPSeps project was an important step in the right direction, but added that “much more work needs to be done both in terms of substance and scope”.

周一,国际货币基金组织(IMF)总裁克里斯蒂娜拉加德(Christine Lagarde)表示,尽管各方已付出很大努力将发展中国家纳入BEPS谈判,但相关举措并未“完全解决”它们的一些具体要求。她表示,BEPS项目是朝着正确方向迈出的重要一步,但她补充道,“在内容和范围方面还有很多工作需要完成”。

The G20 move is likely to increase the number of countries deciding on the remaining aspects of the BEPSeps project — and monitoring its implementation — from 44 to more than 100.


Although most of the BEPS eps reforms were announced last October, some contentious issues remain to be decided on, including how to allocate taxable profits between countries.


The decision to open up negotiations only applies only to the BEPSeps project. But it sets a precedent that, if extended to future negotiations over tax rules, could end up shifting the balance in taxing rights between industrialised and developing countries.


Campaign groups partially welcomed the change but said it came too late. Oxfam said poor countries were being required to “accept a tax reform package they had no say in designing, which doesn’t meet many of their needs and that fails to address critical issues such as the use of tax havens”.


It called for more fundamental reforms to be agreed in a truly international forum such as the UN.



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