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2010年1月9日第一场雅思考试,把雅思考试带进了一个新的年度,一个新的考试周期。整体难度基本符合我们的预期,我们初步认为剑桥七可以真实的反映 2010年1-4月的考试难度,个别场次的某一个听力section或某一篇阅读passage可能超出剑桥七的最高难度,但总体应与剑桥七相似。
听力方面,回忆认为是4个新题,经查证,3G预测的新题的可能性偏大,60%可能为3新题1旧题基本准确,考试即为3新1旧,有一个section 收录在3G听力机经2009Beta1中,为V08121s4,该版本仅在2008年出现过一次,由于回忆的信息较少,且未有成熟的正确答案,仅通过浏览并不能够为考试带来实际的备战效果,因此预测并没有将其列入重点。听力的新题难度较大,速度快,信息密度较高,需要实打实的功夫。
写作方面,A类小作文没有考到流程图,为pie chart。大作文考到了一年基本只考一次的慈善,属于社会类,但并未包含在预测的题目中。some people believe that charity organizations should give the aid to those in great needs, where they lives, some people think that charity organizations should concentrate on helping people who lives in their own country. discuss both views and give your opinion. 显然这一道题目出乎了所有人的意料,但难度并不大,论点也较为好找。G类作文一是书信,作文二:technology such as mobile phones are destroying social interaction. 题目不难,但一定要注意是technology are destroying social interaction不是mobile phones are destroying social interaction,mobile phones只是一个例子。
Section 1 新题 找工作旅游 难度 ★★
Section 2 新题 地图题 难度 ★★☆
Section 3 新题 两个lecturer之间的讨论 难度 ★★☆
Section 4 机经 V08121section4 难度 ★★☆
阅读 (A类)
Passage 1 theatre 难度 ★☆
Passage 2 institute 难度 ★★
Passage 3 gender separation 难度 ★★★
Task 1 pie chart 难度 ★☆
Task 2 慈善类 some people believe that charity organizations should give the aid to those in great needs, where they lives, some people think that charity organizations should concentrate on helping people who lives in their own country. discuss both views and give your opinion. 难度 ★★
Task 1 letter You have applied a course to a college in Australia, but you still have not received the reply.Write a letter 难度 ☆
Task 2 无 some ppl think technology such as mobile phones are destroying social interaction. do u disagree or not? give ur reasons and relevent examples to discuss 难度 ★☆
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