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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

.h1 { FONT-WEIGHT: bold; TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; FONT-SIZE: 22pt; MARGIN: 17pt 0cm 16.5pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 240%; TEXT-ALIGN: justify } .h2 { FONT-WEIGHT: bold; TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; FONT-SIZE: 16pt; MARGIN: 13pt 0cm; LINE-HEIGHT: 173%; TEXT-ALIGN: justify } .h3 { FONT-WEIGHT: bold; TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; FONT-SIZE: 16pt; MARGIN: 13pt 0cm; LINE-HEIGHT: 173%; TEXT-ALIGN: justify }

  1. Modern technology such as chemical fertilizers and machinery can provide us with cheap food; however it also has some negative effects on peoples health. What is your opinion?

  2. Some people say that the increasing business and culture contract between countries has the positive development, others say it would loss the countries identities, discuss both sides and give your opinion

  3. Some people think that we should teach different children together, and others think the intelligent children should be taught separately. Discuss and give your own opinion.

  4. Government should protect culture, some people believe new building was built in traditional style, agree or disagree?

  5. Environmental problems are too big for individual countries and individual people to address. We have reached the stage where the only way to protect the environment is at an international level. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

  6. Motorised flight is the greatest invention in the modern world. No other invention has had a more significant impact on our lives. Do you agree or disagree?

  7. Recent years, the number of crimes committed by young people in major cities throughout the world is increasing. Discuss this issue. Give reasons and suggest some solutions.

  8. Some people think that a high salary is the most important feature of a job, other think job satisfaction or being useful for society more important. Discuss.

  9. Many people are optimistic of the 21st century and see it as an opportunity to make positive changes to the world. To what extent do you share their optimism? What changes would you like to see in the new century?

  10. Some people think that cultural traditions may be destroyed when they are used as money-making attractions aimed at tourists. Others believe it is the only way to save these traditions. Discuss on both sides and give your opinion.



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