雅思口语预测物品篇Something Expensive You Bought-查字典英语网
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雅思口语预测物品篇Something Expensive You Bought

发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Describe something expensive you bought.

  You should say:

  what it was

  how long you saved for it

  where you bought it

  and explain why you wanted to buy it.

  Part 3

  Saving Money

  Do you think its easy to save money?

  Do you think its better to spend money or to save money?

  What about children? Do you think children should learn how to save money?

  Spending Money

  What sorts of things do young people buy ?

  Do you think people are more materialistic today than they used to be?

  Why do some people buy things that they dont really need?

  The Effect of Advertising

  Do you think advertising has much effect on peoples shopping behavior?

  Do you think advertising can have bad effects on children?

  Do you think parents should always buy something whenever their children want it?


  Do you like shopping?

  Is there much difference between shopping in the city and shopping in a small place ?

  Is there much difference between the attitudes of people towards shopping in big cities and in rural areas?

  How do you think shopping will change in the future?


  The most expensive thing I bought recently was an Ipad2 in the Apple flagship selling store. I worked during the summer vacation as an internship and saved money for it.

  Ipad is really hot right now. I have been doing a lot of research and hearing mixed reviews about it, finding that IPad is awesome because of its multiple functions and it is user-friendly. It can be used for not only work but also for regular convenience and fun. Moreover, my boyfriend just got the new Iphone 4S and has been rubbing it in my face with how awesome it is. My mother also got an IPhone 4S and I felt pretty lame and left out. So I figured with an IPad I still got the cool features plus a bigger and better screen. Anyway, I was crazy about Apples new product Ipad and wanted to get hands on one of these babies and I bought it recently.



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