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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  第6部分:完形填空 (第51~65题,每题i分,共15分)


  Where Did All the Ships Go?

  The Bermuda Triangle(三角区)is one___(51)the greatest mysteries of the sea.In this triangular area between Florida,Puerto Rico and Bermuda in Atlantic,ships and airplanes ___(52)to disappear more often than in____(53)parts of the ocean.And they do so___(54)leaving any sign of an accident or any dead bodies.

  It is___(55)that Christopher Columbus was the first person to record strange happenings in the area.His compass stopped working,a flame came down from the sky,and a wave 100 to 200-feet-high carried his ship about a mile away.

  The most famous disappearanceinthe Bermuda Triangle was the US Naval(海军的)Air Flight 19.___(56)December 5,1945,five bomber planes carrying 14 men____(57) on a training mission from the Florida coast.Later that day,all communications with Flight 19 were lost They just disappeared without a trace.The next morning,242 planes and 19 ships took part in the largest air-sea search in history. But they found nothing. Some people blame the disappearances_____(58)supernatural(超自然的)forces. It is suggested the____(59)ships and planes were either transposed to other times and places,kidnapped(绑架)by aliens(外星人)____(60)attacked by sea creatures.

  There are____(61)natural explanations,though.The US Navy says that the Bermuda Triangle is one of two places on earth_____(62)a magnetic compass(指南针) points towards true north______(63)magnetic north,____(64),planes and ships can lose their way if they dont make adjustments

  The area also has changing weather and is known_____(65)its high waves.Storms can tum up suddenly and destroy a plane or ship.Fast currents could then sweep away any trace of an accident.

  51 A from B of C about D on

  52 A often B lookC sometimes D seem

  53 A rest B another C other D others

  54 A without B by C from D upon

  55 A saying B say C said D says

  56 A On B InC From D Since

  57 A took up B took onC took out D took off

  58 A for B aboutC on D from

  59 A missingB missed C missD misses

  60 A and B orC nor D neither

  61 A also B no C barely D hardly

  62 A whichB there C where D that

  63 A in stead ofB except C but D out of

  64 A Similarly B FurthermoreC However D Therefore

  65 A as B for C by D from


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