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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  151.set an example 树立榜样

  By doing this he set an example to the rest of the world.

  152.set ... free 释放 某人

  In the end all prisoners were set free.

  153.set off 动身、起程

  He set off for the USA.

  154.set up 建立、创立

  They will set up a new training centre.

  155.show ... out 领出去

  One moment ----- let me show you out, sir.

  156.shout at 对大声叫嚷

  I went on shouting at him while everyone else was looking at him.

  157.lose ones sight 丧失视力

  Many of the injured lost their sight .

  158.speed up 加快速度

  If you want to speed up your work , you should use a computer.

  159.spend ... doing sth. 做花

  We spent the weekend resting after our journey

  160.spend ... on 在花费 钱

  They will spend almost million yuan on the project.

  161.stand for 代表、向征

  The letters UK stand for The United Kingdom

  162.stay up 熬夜

  Last night, she stayed up.

  163.stick to 坚持

  But Einstein stuck to his opinion and went on with his research.

  164.suffer from 遭受

  The peasants had to pay heavy taxes and suffered greatly from hunger.

  165.take it easy 放心好了、别着急

  Take it easy ! Ive just called the First Aid Centre.



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