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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1. 就近一致原则


  1) 由连词 eitheror neithernor whether ornot onlybut ;or 等连接的并列主语

  Neither money nor fame has influence on me

  Not only you but also he is wrong

  2) 在倒装结构中,谓语动词与后面的第一个主语一致

  Blocking the open-sided porch, framed by the enveloping fog, stands a tall grave-faced policeman.

  Just outside the ruins is a magnificent building surrounded by tall trees.

  Although a great number of houses in that area are still in need of repair, there has been improvement in the facili

  2. 主语带有(together/along)with, such as, accompanied by, as well as, no less than, except, besides, with, combined with, in addition to , including, together with 等等附加成分,谓语的数不受附加成分的影响仍然与主语保持一致

  Professor Taylor , with six of his students ,is attending a conference in Boston organized to compare current practice in the United States with those of other nations.

  The president of the college, together with the deans, is planning a conference for the purpose of laying down certain regulations.


  Despite much research, there are still certain elements in the life cycle of the insect that are not fully understood.


  There are many valuable services which the public are willing to pay for, but which do not bring a return in money to the community.


  4.一些表示数量的短语与名词连用时候,谓语动词的数取决于名词的数,名词是复数,谓语动词用复数,反之就用单数。这些短语包括:a lot of /lots of; plenty of/heaps of; half of; two-third of; eighty percent; part of; rest of ; none of 等等

  Two-thirds of people present are women

  Lots of damage was caused by the fire

  5.集体名词作主语时,谓语动词的数取决于主语表示的意思和数,当表示整体时候,谓语动词就用单数,当强调集体中的个体时候,谓语动词就用复数。这些集体名词如:army, audience, band ,government ,group ,flock, police, public ,staff ,team ,troop. Crowd, firm, family 等等

  The family is the basic unit of our society

  The family were watching the TV

  The audience was enormous

  The audience were greatly moved at the words



  a great many + 可数名词复数 谓语用复数

  a number of + 可数名词复数 谓语用复数

  the majority of + 可数名词复数 谓语用复数


  the number of + 可数名词复数 谓语用单数

  each/every + 可数名词复数 谓语用单数

  neither/either of + 可数名词复数 谓语用单数

  one and a half + 可数名词复数 谓语用单数


  more than one + 可数名词单数 谓语用单数 many a + 可数名词单数 谓语用单数


  the greater part of a large proportion of 50% of one third of plenty of the rest of

  谓语的数与of 后面的名词一致


  eitheror. not only.. but also not ..but

  谓语的数与主语的第二部分(即or/ but also/ but引导的后面部分)一致.


  More students than one have been referred to

  More than one student is going to buy this



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