72.They work long hours but dont earn enough to ensure a _____ living for themselves and their families.
A. reticent B. decent
C. innocent D. descent
reticent 沉默寡言的 re(阿姨)ti(提)cent(钱)
decent 合适的 de(低头)cent(钱)
despise 蔑视、轻视 谐音:敌失败
split 分开、分裂 spit被l分开
innocent 无辜的、天真的
descent 降落、世系
descend 下降
descendant 后代、子孙 de(下)scend(爬)ant
precursor 祖先 pre(前)curs(跑)or
journey 旅行、探险
excursion ex(出去)curs(跑)ion(名词词缀)
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