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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  locality n.地区,地点,现场

  Localities,even individual villages developed their own languages.许多地区,甚至各村子都有他们自己的语言.

  module n.模块,组件;舱

  It is very fast to use computation module to process files.利用计算模块来处理文挡速度很快.

  numerical a.数字的,用数表示的,数值的

  We do not have any numerical information about casualties of the earthquake.我们还没有有关地震伤亡人数方面的报告.

  prone a.易于 的;倾向于 的;俯卧的

  Children of poor health are very prone to colds in winter.体弱的孩子在冬天易患感冒.

  propagate vi.繁殖;增殖 vt.繁殖,增殖;传播,宣传

  Most plants propagate by seed. 大部分植物用种子繁殖.

  Water easily propagates sound. 水容易传导声音.

  resultant a.作为结果发生的,合成的

  Her rudeness and resultant criticism from her parents made her ashamed.她没有没有礼貌结果被父母批评,这使她很羞愧.

  retention n.保留,保持

  The retention of old technology has slowed the companys growth.延用旧技术阻碍了该公司的发展.

  retrospect n.回顾,回想;怀旧,追忆

  The retrospect that the Chinese football team has been repeatedly defeated in the important matches was depressing. 回想起中国男子足球在重大比赛中屡战屡败真是令人沮丧.

  spouse n.配偶

  You may choose to pay income tax jointly or separately from your spouse.你可以选择与配偶一起或分开交纳所得税.

  Sponge n.海绵,海面体 vt.用湿布或海绵擦拭

  Young people should not sponge of their parents.年轻人应该不依赖父母.

  stabilize v.稳定,使稳固

  The primary task of the police is to stabilize the social order.警察的首要任务是稳定社会秩序.

  stereotype n.陈腔滥调,老套 vt.套用老套,使一成不变

  Regional stereotypes have been part of America since its founding Westerners are trendy.地区性旧习自从美国建国以来就成为它的一部分.

  Midwesterners are dull Northeasterners are brainy,and Southerners are lazy.西部人时髦,中西部人木讷,东北部人机智,南方人懒惰.

  Its wrong to stereotype people, as if they were all alike.把人们看作都是一样的, 这是错误的.

  Traverse vt.横过,穿过,经过

  The Beijing-Guangzhou Railway traverses almost half of China.京广铁路几乎穿越 大半个中国.

  I have to intention to traverse that ground in my present lecture.在这次演讲中我不打算详细讨论这一点.



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