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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Abortion n.流产,堕胎;失败,夭折

  In some Catholic countries,abortion is still illegal.在一些天主教国家,堕胎仍然是非法的.

  His plan to study in the U.S.was a abortion at last owing to his failure in TOEFL.由于他没有通过托福考试,所以赴美留学的计划最终流产了,

  Adverse a.不利的,有害的

  The excess use of fertilizer is adverse to the environment.过度使用化肥对环境 有害.

  Adverse economic circumstances cause a sharp drop in the current prices of stocks in Taiwan.生意不景气致使台湾的股市急剧下跌

  Baffle vt.使困惑,难住

  Some English idioms often baffle English learners.有些英语成语经常使英语学习感到困惑.

  Cater vi.迎合;承办酒席

  TV programs must cater to many different tastes.电视节目必须迎合各种人的爱好.

  bibliography n.参考书目;书目

  An academic paper must include the bibliography in its end.学术论文最后必须注明参考书目.

  criterion n.标准,准则

  It is unacceptable to say popularity is the only criterion of a good novel.把是否流行作为判断一本好小说的惟一标准是让人难以接受的.

  Defendant n.被告

  In the trial,the defendant,Hu Changqing is accused of committing bribery.被告人胡长清在审判中被指控犯有受贿罪.

  Donate v.捐赠,赠送

  To help the suffering people weather the severe winter,citizens who were spared from the flood were called on to donate money,food and clothes.为了帮助灾区人民度过严冬,政府号召没受洪灾的人们捐赠钱,食物和衣服.

  Epidemic n.流行盛行 a.流行性的,流传极广的

  There was an epidemic of cholera in Thailand in 1998.1998年泰国曾经流行过霍乱.

  Explicit a.明确的,明晰的;毫不隐瞒的

  The coach had to give very explicit instructions to each player on the Chinese football team.教练不得不给中国足球队每名队员非常明确的指导.

  fabulous a.极好的,巨大的,寓言般的

  During the two world wars,the monopoly capitalists amassed fabulous wealth.在两次世界大战期间,垄断资本家大发横财.

  Forum n.论坛,讨论会,专题讨论节目

  The letters page of New York Times is a forum for public argument.《纽约时报》的读者来信版面是公众辩论的论坛.

  Groan vi./n.呻吟抱怨 ;吱吱声,响声

  I have no alternative but to groan when I have a terrible toothache.牙痛很厉害的时候,我无可奈何,只能发出呻吟声.

  The chair gave a groan when the heavy woman sat down.当那个胖女人坐下时,椅子发出吱吱声.



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