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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Snatch n.片段

  The thief snatched my handbag and ran off.小偷一把夺走我的手提包便逃之夭夭.

  During the exam,I can only sleep in snatchs at night.考试期间,夜晚我只能睡一会儿觉.

  subsidiary a.辅助的,次要的,附设的 n.子公司,附属机构

  The question of finance is subsidiary to the question of whether the project will be approved.财务问题是这一项目是否获准的附带问题.

  Tempt vt.吸引,引起 的兴趣引诱,诱惑

  The warm weather tempted us into going for a walk.暖和的天气吸引我们去散步.

  transition n.过渡,转变

  Women in menopausal disorders are subject to frequent transitions from high spirits to depression and anger.有更年期综合症的女人常是喜怒无常.有更年期综合症的女人常是喜怒无常.

  Vicinity n.周围地区,邻近地区

  The two restaurants in close vicinity compete violently.两家比邻餐厅竞争非常激烈.

  vulnerable a.易受伤的,脆弱的;易受攻击的,难防御的

  Young birds are very vulnerable to predators.幼小的鸟易受肉食动物的伤害.

  Young people are vulnerable to the influences of radio and television.年轻人容易受广播和电视的影响.

  Warrant n.授权令;理由,根据 vt.证明 是正当的

  The Constitution guarntees that private homes will not be searched without a warrant.宪法保证了没有搜查证,不得任意搜查私人家宅.

  You had no warrant for doing that.你那样做毫无道理.

  Warranty n.担保书,证书,保单

  You can have a five- year-period warranty for the television you bought.你买的电视机有五年的保用期.

  Ambiguous a.引起歧义的,摸棱两可的,含混的

  The Presidents ambiguous directions confused the staff who didnt know what to do.总统含糊的指令让他的下属有些茫然,不知如何是好.

  Authentic a.真的,真正的;可靠的,可信的

  Can you distinguish between an authentic antique and a fake one?你能辨认古董真品和赝品吗?

  Nowadays its quite difficult to tell an authentic news report from an invented one,especially news about the celebrities.现在有的资讯报道可谓是真假难辨,尤其是对于那些名流们的报道.

  compulsory a.必须做的,强制性的, 必修的

  Is English a compulsory course in your school?在你们学校,英语是必修的课程吗?

  A nine year compulsory education is implemented in China.中国实行9年义务教育.

  conspicuous a.显眼的;明显的

  Shes always conspicuous because of her bright clothes and queer hair style.因为她衣着鲜艳,发型古怪,所以总是惹人注目.



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