Intrigue vt.激起 的好奇心,迷住 vi.耍阴谋,使诡计 n.阴谋,诡计
That people can talk with people on another continent through a telephone line once tremendously intrigued everyone.通过一根电话线,人们就能跟在另一个洲的人讲话,这曾让每个人惊叹不已.
The royal palace was full of intrigue.皇宫中充满了勾心斗角.
Liner n.衬里,大客轮
The liner of this dress is made of silk.这条裙子的衬里是丝制的.
On the liner bound for New Amsterdam people are always filled with anticipation.在驶向新阿姆斯特丹的客轮上,人们心里都满怀期待.
Linger vi.继续逗留;留恋徘徊 继续存留,缓慢消失
The two lovers lingered over coffee and didnt realize it was long past midnight .这对恋人流连于咖啡馆,一点也没意识到时间早就过了午夜.
Masculine a.男性的,男子的;男子气概
It is masculine when one faces lifes challenges very bravery and never yields to them.如果一个人勇敢面对生活的挑战,从不退缩,我们就说他很有男子汉的气概.
In the modern competitive society,masculine characteristic will certainly put one at an advantage.在现代这个竞争性的社会里,男性性格显然会使一个人处于优势地位.
municipal a.市的,市政的
The municipal government has decided to open a new canal to make the transportation more convenient between different districts.市政府决定新开辟一条运河,以使各个区之间运输更加便利.
Nominate vt.提名,任命
The prime minister has nominated the former defense minister as the new foreign minister.首相已任命前国防部长担任新政府的外长.
A US physicist and his German associate were nominated for this years Nobel Prize in physics.两位分别来自美国和德国的物理学家获得今年诺贝尔物理奖提名.
overflow vi.溢出,泛滥; n.溢流口,溢流管
I forgot to turn off the faucet and the toilet overflowed again.我忘了关水龙头,结果厕盆里的水溢出了,搞坏了家里的木地板.
The overflow of the fish vat seems to have been blocked.Get a repairman.鱼缸的溢流管好像被堵住了.赶快叫一个修理工.
Overhear vt.无意中听到,偷听
The maid overheard the two thieves talking in a low voice in the corner and told it to her mistress.女仆听到两个小偷在角落 里低声说话,于是告诉了女主人.
Pamphlet n.小册子
On the streets you can often see students wearing ribbons handing out pamphlets for all kinds of merchandise.在大街上,你会经常看见学生们戴着彩带向路人发放各种商品的小册子.
Pest n.害虫;讨厌的人
Sometimes chemicals to kill pests do more harm to our health than otherwise.有时候杀虫剂给我们的健康带来很大危害,还不如不用它.
The little boy,usually behaving himself,is now a thorough pest to all of us.那个平时很乖的小孩,现在简直让我们所有人头痛不已.