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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  hardly any 几乎没有 Theres hardly any coal left.Hardly anybody(=very few people)camto thmeeting

  hardly befor/when 刚 就 Hardly had thgambegun when it started raining.

  havsth back 要回,收回某物 You shall havit back(=It will breturned to you) next month.

  havon 穿着,戴着 Hhad nothing on except a hat.

  havto do with 和 有 关系

  A head for 驶,向,走向 Wheraryou heading for?

  Warheading for thsamdestination.

  A head on 迎面地.正面地

  keep ones head 保持镇静 =to remain /keep calm

  losones head 慌乱,仓皇失措 You musnt losyour head.

  at heart 在内心,实质上 His kind at heart.; Hlooks rather fierce,but his kind at heart.

  by heart 牢记,凭记忆

  get / learn by heart 记住,背诵 learned thpoem by heart.

  A heart and soul 全心全意地,完全地 =completely: am yours heart and soul.

  A losheart 丧失勇气,失去信心 Hlost heart when hfailed thexam.

  help oneself 自取所需(食物等) Thmoney was on thtabland no onwas there,so hhelped himself.

  herand ther到处 Hsaw flowers herand there.

  get hold of 抓住 Take/get/catch hold of thrope, and well pull you up.

  hold back 阻止,抑制,踌躇 Wbuilt banks to hold back thflood waters.; could not hold him back.

  hold on 握住不放 ,等会儿

  hold onto 紧紧握住 =hang onto

  Hheld onto thrope.

  hold out 坚持,不屈服 dont hold out much hopthat thweather will improve.

  hold up E举起,云承 I阻挡 Thbuilding of thnew road has been held up by bad weather.

  in honor of 为向 表示敬意,为 庆祝/纪念 a party in honor of thvisiting president

  on ones honor 以名誉担保 Hwas (put) on his honor not to tell thsecret.

  keep hous管理家务,做家务

  hurry up (使)赶快 Hurry up, its getting late.

  in a hurry 匆忙,立即 Hwas in a hurry to go home.

  improvon / upon 改进,超过 =to producor bsomething better than; better; It is hard to improvon thplan.

  at intervals 不时,每隔 时间或距离 Thbell rang at 20-minutintervals.

  by itself 自动地,独自地 Thmachinworks by itself.

  in itself 本质上,就其本身而言 =without considering threst;

  Thexistencof human beings is a miraclin itself.

  bkeen on 喜爱,渴望 His keen on short stories.

  keep away (from sth) 远离 Keep away from thwaters edge!

  or keep sb/sth away from

  keep back 1.阻止.抑制;

  2.隐瞒 3.保留 1.keep sb back from doing sth =prevent sb from doing sth.

  Shcan keep nothing (back) from her friends.

  They keep back $20 a month from my salary for National Insurance(国民保险费).

  keep down 控制,压低(声音) Hcouldnt keep down his anger .; Chemicals arused for keeping insects down.

  keep from 使 不进入 Cant you keep your dog from coming into my garden?

  A keep in 1.继续烧着,不熄;2.控制 1Shall wdeep thfirin or let it out. 2.Hcouldnt keep in his indignation.

  A keep in with 与某人保持友谊 You must keep in with your customers, retain their goodwill.

  keep off 不接近,避开 Thparents aradvised to keep children off thstreet.

  Keep off thgrass!

  keep on (doing sth) 继续,反复地做 Prices keep on increasing.

  Susan got a bad cold and kept on caughing all night.

  keep out of 躲开,置身 之外 Danger! Keep out!

  Keep out of their quarrels,Dont get involved in them.

  A keep to 遵守,信守,坚持 1.Traffic in Britain keeps to thleft. 2.keep to thsubject /point at issue: 把握讨论的主题/要点.

  3.Hkept thnews to himself.

  keep up 1.继续,坚持, 2.维护

  A使迟睡. 1.Will thfinweather keep up?2.How do you keep up this larghouse?

  ts wrong to keep thchildren up so late, They should go to bed.

  dont want to deep you up; you look sleepy and ready for bed.



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