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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1. ability 做某事的能力,后常接带to的不定式



  2.accumulate 意为积聚,堆积,指逐渐地、而且通常是无意地、使数量越来越大





  capability 从事某工作或达到某目的的能力,后接of 或for

  capacity 接受,容纳,理解或完成某事的能力,后接of 或for

  gather 和 collect均表示 收集,但collect有区别挑选之意,表示收藏某类物品时多用此词.gather则强调将散乱的东西集中起来

  assemble 用于人时,表示集合,聚集,用于物时,表示装配

  1.A lorry请选择_____Janes cat and sped away.

  A.ran over B.ran into C.ran through D. ran down

  2.What he told us about the affair simply doesnt make any 请选择_____

  A.sense B.idea C.meaning D.significance

  3.By 1929,mickey Mouse was as popular请选择_____children as Coca-Cola.

  A.for B.in C.to D.with您看到来自www.233.com的资讯

  4.Finding a job in such a big company has always been 请选择_____his wildest dreams.

  A.under B.for C.without D.beyond

  5.A healthy life is frequently thought to be 请选择_____with the open countryside and homegrown food.

  A.tied B.bound C.involved D.associated




  1.考纲短语: run over 在....上驶过 run into 遭遇,偶然碰见 run through 贯穿,普遍存在于,匆匆阅读 run down 说...坏话,耗尽,减少,查找,撞倒

  2.make sense 讲得通,有意义

  3.固定搭配 be popular with

  4.beyond ones wildest dreams 做梦也想不到

  5.固定搭配 be associated with

  1.Which sport has the most expenses _________ training equipment,players personal equipment and uniforms?

  A.in place of B.in terms of C.by means of D.by way of

  2. We have to try every means to _________the costs of the construction project.

  A.bring off B. bring forth C.bring down D.bring back

  3.Tony is very disappointed _________ the results of the exam.

  A.with B. for C.toward D.on

  4.The British Constitution is ________ a large extent a product of the historical events described above.

  A.within B. to C. by D. at

  5. After a few rounds of talks, both sides regarded the territory dispute ________ .

  A.being settled B. to be settled C. had settled D. as settled


  B C A B D

  1.短语: in place of 代替、取代 , in terms of 从....方面来说 ,by means of 用,依靠 ,by way of 经过,通过....的方法

  2. bring off 使实现,做成 bring forth 产生,提出 bring down 使落下,降低,减少 bring back 回忆,归还,恢复

  3.固定搭配: be disappointed at/about sth ,be disappointed in/with 对...感到失望

  4.固定搭配: to a large extent 在很大程度上

  5. 固定搭配:regard .... as .... 认为,把...看作...对待

  According to a survey,which was based on the responses of over 1800,000 students,todays traditional-age college freshmen are more materialistic and less altruistic than at any time in the 17 years of the poll.

  Not surprising in thes hard times,the students major objective is to be financially well off. Less important than ever is developing a meaningful philosophy of life. It follows then that today the most popular course is not literature or history but accounting.

  Interest in teaching ,social service and the altruistic fields is at a low. On the other hand, enrolment in businness programs,engineering and computer science is way up.

  While its true that we all need a career, it is equally true that our civilization has accumulated an incredible amout of knowledge in fields far removed from our own and that we are better for our understanding of thes other contributions - be they scientific or artistic.It is equally true that, in studying the diverse wisdom of others,we learn how to think.More important, perhaps,education teaches us to see the connections between things,as well as to see beyond our immediate needs.

  Weekly we read of unions who went on strike for higher wages,only to drive their employer out of bussiness.No company;no job.How shortsighted in the log run!

  But the most important argument for a broad education is that in studying the accumulated wisdom of the ages,we improve our moral sense.

  1. According to the authors observation,college students ______________.

  A. have never been so materialistic as today

  B. have never been so interested in the arts

  C. have never been so financially well of as today

  D. have never attached so much importance to moral sense

  2. The students criteria for selecting majors today have much to do with ________.

  A. the infuences of their instructors

  B. the financial goals they seek in life

  C. their own interpretations of the courses

  D. their understanding of the contributions of others

  3. By saying While its true that ... be they screntific or artistic ,the author means that___________.

  A. business management should be included in educational programs

  B. human wisdom has accumulated at an extraordinarily high speed

  C. human intellectual development has reached new heights

  D. the importance of a broad education should not be overlooked

  4. Studying the diverse wisdom of others can _____________.

  A. create varying artistic interests

  B. help people see things in their right perspective

  C. help improve connections among people

  D. regulate the behavior of modern people

  5. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

  A. Businessmen absorbed in their career are narrow-minded.

  B. Managers often find it hard to tell right from wrong

  C. People engaged in technical jobs lead a more rewarding life

  D. Career seekers should not focus on immediate interests only.


  A B D B D

  well off : 富裕

  in the long run: 从长远看,终究

  : in the short run 在不久的将来 ;on the run 忙碌,奔波,奔跑,逃跑;run away with 战胜,偷走,与...私奔,轻易地赢








  1. bring 从别处把东西或人带来、拿来。

  例句 What brought about the Iraqi War? 是什么引起了伊拉克战争?




  2. vary 作不及物动词时指表现出变化,作及物动词时表示使变化、使不同、使多样化。

  例句 Opinions vary from person to person 观点因人而异











  take :把东西带走或拿走

  fetch :到别处去把某人或某物带来或拿来

  get :多用于口语,与fetch同义

  bring about 导致,引起

  bring around/round 说服,使恢复知觉

  bring forth 产生,提出

  bring forward 提前,提出,提议

  bring off 使实现,做成

  bring on 引起,促进您看到来自www.233.com的资讯

  bring out 出版,激起,引起,使显出

  bring through 使安全度过

  bring to 使恢复知觉

  bring up 养育,教养,提出


  change : 常用词,指任何一种变化过程,有两层基本含义变和换,变可以指和原来的样子和性质稍有不同,换指交替、转换、转移。

  alter : 指人或事物的某些特征的某种程度的更改,所便是的改变只是细节或外表的变化,而不是表示本质的变化。

  convert : 指使某物从一种状态或情况转变为他种状态或情况,特指使其用于新的用途或目的而转变。

  shift : 表示改变位置、方向或形式。

  transfer :表示转移,指使从一个地方人、事、物转移到另一个地方的人、事、物,尤指调动、转学。

  transform :指人、物在性质上或形态上发生彻底或基本的变化。

  modify :主要用于表示有局限性的改变,当用于事物时它所表示的改变在程度上要大于alter,常指文字材料的修改或修饰,在表示人物态度时,他仅仅表示略加修饰,并不含有很大的变化。

  turn :表示改变时,通常指使改变方向,使改变路程,使转向。

  variable : a.易变的、多变的、可变的 n. 可变因素、变量

  variation : n. 变化、变动、变体、变奏、变种

  1. A man escaped from the prison last night.It was a long time__________the guards discovered what had happened.

  A. before B. until C.since D.when

  2. It is our __________ policy that we will achieve unity through peaceful means.

  A. consistent B. continuous D. considerate D.continual

  3. His remarks left me ______ about his real purpose.

  A. wondered B.wonder C. to wonder D. wondering

  4. You cannot be __________ careful when you drive a car.

  A. very B. so C. too D. enough

  5. The hopes,goals,fears and desires widely ________ between men and women,between the rich and the poor.

  A. alter B. shift C. transfer D. vary

  6. 对confuse 与 puzzle 辨析

  7. desire 强调主观愿望的热切性,含有强烈希望做某事的意思,属正式用于。



  8. 对secure 与 safe 辨析


  A A D C D

  1. before 用作连词表示在...之前,但在具体的句子中也可以理解为趁还没有...或之后才...


  2. consistent a. 坚持的,一贯的,一致的,符合的

  :What you say now is not consistent with what you said earlier.你现在说的话与你以前说过的话不相符。

  continuous 连续的,持续的

  considerate 考虑周到的

  continual 不间断的,不停的,频繁的

  constant 始终如一的,不断的,忠实地


  3. leave 表示使处于某种状态之意时,后面可以接复合宾语,宾补可以用形容词,也可以用分词。

  :leave alone 让...独自呆着,不打扰,不干预;

  leave behhind 不带,忘了带,遗留

  leave off 停止,中断

  leave out 遗漏,省略,把...排除在外

  leave leave of 向...告辞


  4. too 也,还,太,很,过于

  :cannot ... too ...无论...也不过分,越...越好

  too...to... ...太...以至不能....

  too...for ... 太...而不合适...


  5. vary a. 变化,有不同,vt. 改变,使不同

  : vary from...to... 从...到..不等,在...到...之间变动

  vary with... 随... 而变化

  vary ones diet 使某人的饮食多样化


  6. confuse 使人混淆、产生短时间的心理混乱;

  puzzle 某个难以解决的错综复杂的问题使人困惑、难以理解。

  confusion n. 困惑,糊涂,混淆,混乱; confused a. 感到混乱不清的;confusing a. 令人迷惑的,莫名其妙的。

  7. wish 语气比desire弱,一般用于难以实现或不能实现的愿望,强调主语的主观愿望。want 多用于口语,强调偏爱,选择

  :desirable a. 值得想望的,可取得,有利的。

  8. secure 带有一种较主观的意愿,强调思想上到安全或摆脱焦虑,而这种安全感源于对某种危险已经不存在的确认,如财产不会丢失等;

  safe 常用来修饰没有受损地度过某种危险的境地,也可用于形容某人在某物的处境很安全,不会受到外来的伤害。

  :security n. 安全; insecure a. 不安全的



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