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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  stuff up/ / 堵(塞)住,填满

  stuff with/ / 用把堵住

  be out of style/ / 不合时式,不时髦

  be subject to/ / 易受的;惯患的

  subject to/ / 使受到,使遭遇

  succeed in/ / 在成功

  such as/ / 象那样的,诸如

  all of a sudden/ / 突然,冷不防

  sum up/ / 总结,概括

  rise superior to/ / 不受的影响

  in support of/ / 支援;支持;拥护

  be supposed to/ / 被期望;应该

  as sure as fate/ / 千真万确

  be sure and/ / 一定要

  be sure of oneself/ / 有自信心

  for sure/ / 确实,毫无疑问地

  make sure/ / 查明,确信,开确实

  sweep clean/ / 扫,清洁

  sweep off/ / 拂去;大量清除

  switch off/ / (用开关)关掉

  switch on/ / (用开关)开启

  be in sympathy with/ / 赞同,同情

  at table/ / 在餐桌边,在进餐时

  on the table/ / (摆)在桌面上,公开地

  wait at table/ / 伺候进餐

  take after/ / 与相象

  take apart/ / 拆开(机器等)

  takeas/ / 把理解为

  take away/ / 拿走,夺去,使离去

  take down/ / 取下;记下;拆卸

  take for/ / 认为,以为;误认为

  take on/ / 接受;包含;领会

  take into account/ / 把考虑进去

  take issue with sb./ / 与某人争论

  take off/ / 拿走;脱下(衣帽等)

  take on/ / 呈现(面貌);装出

  take oneself off/ / 走开,离去

  take out/ / 拿出;去掉;扣除

  take out loans/ / 借贷

  take over/ / 占据;接任(职位)

  take up/ / 占去,占据;开始从事

  take to/ / 开始;对产生好感

  take sb. to task/ / 责备某人,申斥某人

  take up/ / 拿起;着手处理;占去

  talk back/ / 回嘴,顶嘴

  talk out/ / 把说透

  talk over/ / 商量,(充分)讨论

  talk up/ / 大声地讲;大胆地讲

  talk with/ / 与交谈,试图说服

  taste of/ / 有味道(或气息)

  tear down/ / 扯下;拆毁;诋毁

  tear off/ / 急速脱掉

  tear up/ / 创;挖;掘;拉掉

  teach a lesson/ / 给一个教训

  teach school/ / 教书,当教师

  in tears/ / 流着泪;含泪哭

  telephone to sb./ / 打电话给某人

  tellfrom/ / 辨别,分辨;认出

  tell about/ / 讲述

  tellapart/ / 把区分开

  tell on/ / 告发;产生效果

  in terms of/ / 根据;以的措词

  keep ones temper/ / 忍住性子

  lose ones temper/ / 发怒,发脾气

  keep on good terms/ / 保持友好关系

  keep terms with sb./ / 同某人交往

  make terms/ / 达成协议

  put to the test/ / 使受试验,使受检验

  stand the test/ / 经受住考验

  no more than/ / 仅仅,只是

  no other than/ / 除外没有;只有

  no thanks to/ / 并非由于

  thanks to/ / 由于

  and all that/ / 诸如此类

  at that/ / 就那样,就这样;而且

  in that/ / 既然;因为

  that is/ / 就是说;即(略为i.e)

  over there/ / 在那里(指较远处)

  there and then/ / 当时当地

  be thick with/ / 充满;与(某人)很亲密

  think better of/ / 对有更高的评价

  think of/ / 考虑;记得;认为

  think ofas/ / 把看作是,以为是

  think out/ / 彻底地想一想

  think over/ / 仔细考虑

  think through/ / 思考直到得出结论

  think twice/ / 重新考虑

  think up/ / 发明;设计出

  on second thoughts/ / 经重新考虑后

  take thought for/ / 对担心;对挂念

  throw about/ / 到处扔;转向航行

  throw away/ / 扔掉,抛弃

  throw off/ / 扔开;匆匆脱掉(衣服)

  throw over/ / 抛弃(计划等)

  throw up/ / 抛起;呕出(食物)

  tie up/ / 束紧,缚牢;包扎



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