一、选用新颖表达( unusual expressions)
学生在平时应注意打造作文的高分亮点,以提高英语书面表达的能力。语言不一定非要有多难, 但一定要新颖, 学生要有意识地尝试选择和替换。
1、用新颖的、有别于常人的表达来替换老套的、平庸的语言( unusual r eplacing usual) , 如:
松手: 用let go of 代替release
容易: 用a snap, a piece of cake 代替easy
困难: 用demanding, beyond one. s power代替difficult
举例: 用a ( good) case in point, like, say 代替for example, for instance;
新的: 用brand- new, fr esh, up- to- date,the latest 代替new
旧的: 用worn, outdated, used, second -hand 代替old
感谢: 用be grateful to, be obliged to, ap2preciate, gratitude 代替thank.
2、用具体的下级词汇代替抽象的上级词汇( concrete replacing abstract) , 如:
走路: 用sail, stroll, stride, sashay, tiptoe,slip代替go
颜色: 用purple, pink, violet, dark green 代替color
鲜花: 用tulip, rose, marigold, jasmine, 代替flower
费用: 用tuition, fee, toll, fare, revenue,admission 代替expense
笑: 用smirk, giggle, beam, grin, ridicule代替laugh
说:用groan, murmur, exclaim, complain代替say.
3、用高级的四级词汇替代初、高中基本词汇( advanced replacing basic) , 如:
疲劳: 用fatigued 代替tired
承认: 用acknowledge 代替admit
怀疑: 用be skeptical 代替doubt
演讲: 用delivery 代替speech
责任: 用responsibility 代替duty
意义: 用implication 代替meaning
棒极了: 用fabulous, gorgeous, br avo, terrific, splendid 代替good, great.
4、用短语代替单词( phrases replacingwords) , 如:
仔细地: 用with care 代替car efully饶有兴致地: 用with great interest 代替interestingly
( 不)可能的: 用out of ( the ) question 代替( im) possible
忍受: 用put up with 代替bear
期待: 用look forward to 代替anticipate
不知道: 用have no idea, havent the slightest idea 代替dont know.
5、用从句代替单词( clause replacingwords) , 如:
言: 用what he says 代替his words
行: 用what he does 代替his action
潜在意思: 用what is implied 代替the im2plied meaning
包含内容: 用what is included 代替the in2cludedcontent
人类成就: 用what human has achieved 代替human. sachievements.
6、用/ 动词+ 同源形容词+ 同源名词0 来代替/ 动词+ 副词( v. + adj. + n. replacing v. +adv. ), 如:
匆匆结束: 用bring to a hasty end 代替end hastily
仔细观看: 用take a close look 代替look at( sth. ) closely
武断判断: 用make arbitr ary judgments 代替judgearbitr ar ily
飞速发展: 用undertake rapid development代替develop rapidly
热情招待: 用offer hospitable treatment 代替treat hospitably
快速反应: 用make an immediate response代替respond immediately
完全掌控: 用have complete mastery 代替mastercompletely.
二、变换多种句型( varied sentence patterns)
1)Nowadays there is a growing concern over, . Many people like , , while others are inclined to, ( 对照关系句型)
2) With science and technology developing faster and faster. . . ( 比较关系句型)
3)For years ,has been viewed as ,But people are taking a fresh look at it now. ( 转折关系句型)
1) However,may cause some problems. First, it is , . Second, . . . . Finally,So,it is clear that , has its advantages and disadvantages. ( 列举式句型1)
2)The explanation for this problem involves many factors. For one thing, For another,Still( 列举式句型2)
3) Although , has a great advantage, it cant compete with , in ( 让步关系句型)
1)On the whole, it is high time that we r ecognized the significance of , ( 总结性句型1)
2) Judging by the figures, we can draw a conclusion that , . ( 总结性句型2)
3) In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the pr oblem of , . Only in this way can , in the future. ( 总结性句型3)
失衡句指的是故意违反句子的平衡布局, 通过颠倒语序、重要信息后置等手段将作者的说话意图留在最后,给人一种出人意料、意犹未尽的感觉, 常为主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句、状语从句等的变形。适当运用失衡句往往可以凸显文章的闪光点。
1) I can do this. 可以表达为: This is what I can do.
2) Im not sure whether he can go with us. 可以表达为:Whether he can go with us is not sure.
3)Unless you get the boss. s favor, you can. t go on a business trip. 可以颠倒顺序为:You can. t go on a business trip unless you get the boss. s favor.
4) If you really want to stay here, you are welcome. 可以改变为: You ar e welcome to stay here, if you really want to.
合理运用同位语和插入语也是为文章增色的措施, 这样不但能增加文章字数, 还可以提高阅卷者对作文的印象分。
It is an undeniable fact that envir onmental pollution becomes increasingly serious. Mr. Smith, professor of Harvard University, will come to our school at the end of this se2 mester.
多变的句型为你的文章增光添彩, 提高你的作文档次。在英语书面表达中, 如果写出的句子类型单一, 文章就会显得单调乏味, 容易让人疲倦。有些考生一味使用简单句, 不会使用较复杂的句子, 如强调句、倒装句、主从复合句等, 因而显得水平很低。写作时, 我们应特别注意将长短句结合, 并注意固定词组、固定句型以及各种从句的运用, 有意用上被动语态、虚拟语气、定语从句、状语从句、非谓语动词、倒装句、强调结构等等。
三、巧用连接词语( transitional words)
作文要以自然的过渡、流畅的行文、完整的结构等形连( coherence) 形式来赢得阅卷老师的青睐。从近几年的四级英语书面表达阅卷来看,书面表达的评卷要求提高了。除了要点齐全、表达正确之外, 我们还必须注意在句与句之间、段与段之间恰当地使用一些过渡词语, 使上下文自然、连贯、流畅、结构紧凑, 避免脱节现象, 使文章更具有条理性和逻辑性, 层次更加分明, 从而达到更好的表达效果。常用的过渡词有以下几种:
1、表示观点总结的: in my opinion, as far as I know, in a word, in brief , in short, in conclusion, to sum up 等;
2、表示先后顺序的: first and foremost, in the beginning, in the first place, in the second place, then, in the end, next, after, before, last but not least, finally 等;
3、表示举例说明的: for instance, for example, like, say, such as, a case in point. 等;
4、表示对比关系的: unlike, in contr ast to,on the contrary, different from, on one hand. . .on the other hand 等;
5、表示递进关系的: in addition, besides, furthermore, what. s more 等;
6、表示转折关系的: but, however, neverheless, nonetheless 等。
另外, 还有表让步、因果、比较、目的、条件等等共15 类过渡词, 学生可以根据需要选择合适的类型。
四、妙用警句格言( quotations and proverbs)
在写作中恰当地引用名言、警句和格言, 能使你的文章与众不同, 如同鹤立鸡群。英语中的格言和警句表达生动, 言简意赅, 能为你的写作起到锦上添花之效。如果你是谈论音乐的作用, 不妨用下面的格言来作为文章的结尾: Just as an English saying goes, / Variety is the spice of life , it is music that makes our life more colorful. So enjoy music, enjoy your life. 再如, 当你是讨论/ 课本回收再利用0 的利弊时, 在论述了课本回收再利用的好处之后, 你可以用一句英语格言来转换角度, 引入对/ 弊0 的阐述: Just as a coin has two sides, there ar e some disadvantages if epass on the used books to other students. 如果你是讨论不同的人持不同的观点时, 那么引用谚语to each his own ( 萝卜白菜, 各有所爱) , 或者One man. s meat is another. s poison. 就恰到 好处。
表人以类聚的: Bir ds of a feather flock together.
表奉献精神的: A candle lights other s and consumes itself.
表听言知人的: A bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk.
表春雨及时的: April showers bring forth May flowers.
表交友慎重的: Be slow in making fr iends, slower in changing.
表劝人早起的: Ear ly to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise
等等, 都可以很好地用来给文章增色名言、警句和格言是人类语言的精髓, 平时注重积累尤为重要, 而且必须准确无误, 切不可想当然地拼凑, 否则会适得其反。
例句是作文必不可少的内容, 占近一半的比例。精心选择贴切的、针对性强的例句必定会打动评卷人。例句是主题句思想的延伸, 一定要恰当和中肯, 不可/ 过大0 或/ 过小0 , 并且由低级到高级排列, 这样才显得有层次感。比如, 2006 年写春节联欢晚会/ CCTV Spring Festival Gala0.当举例说明人们喜爱春晚的理由时, 我们不妨这样来写: Firstly, CCTV Spr ing Festival Gala is a great moment for family members to get together once a year. Secondly, it is a chance for the whole nation to shar e the same happiness and excitement in welcoming the New Year. It also offers a wonderful opportunity to manifesto to the world Chinese great achievements in the past year . 三个例句既贴近现实生活, 又针对春节的独特性, 而且遵循/ 家庭) 国家) 世界0 由低级到高级的顺序排列, 层次分明, 逻辑关系明确。
人靠衣妆,美靠靓妆。作文得高分要靠精彩语言妆。修辞语言的巧妙运用, 就是使语言靓起来的一条有效途径。因此, 在写作文时, 要有意识的运用修辞手法。常用又行之有效的修辞手段有: 明喻( simile) , 暗喻( metaphor ) , 排比( paral2lelism) , 仿拟( parody) 等
1、Good temper is like a sunny day, it sheds its brightness everywhere. ( 明喻)
2、My love is a red red rose. ( 暗喻) A Hedge between keeps fr iendship gr een.( 暗喻)
3、Farmers grow plants to feed the nation, police punish criminals to protect the nation, teachers cultivate the children to educate the nation, all these people together form the nation ( 排比)
Whether your tastes ar e moder n or traditional, sophisticated or simple, there is plenty inLondon for you. ( 排比)
个人认为最能表达作者思想的修辞手段是仿拟, 它基于名人名言、熟知的词语句篇的基础之上, 适当替换或更改个别词汇而仿造出一个新的词语句篇, 它有助于揭示事物相反相承的关系, 增强文章的概括力, 使语言明快犀利, 富于幽默, 能很好地表达自己想表达的意思, 显得特别俏皮而又睿智 .如我们可以仿拟英国诗人雪莱的名句来描述一对形影不离的夫妻: If husband comes,can wife be far behind? 又如在讨论是否应该实施安乐死( euthanasia) 的问题时, 说医生面临的难题( dilemma) 是: T o kill or not to kill, that is the question. 诠释现代虚伪的友情时可以说: A friend in need is a friend to be avoided.
精心设计的亮点最好在文首、文中和文末出现。文首出现,先入为主; 文末出现, 意犹未尽,都会赢得阅卷老师的好感。足够的知识储备、过硬的语法功底和较大的词汇量都是获取高分不可缺少的要素, 而这些都离不开我们在平时的学习过程中刻苦勤奋的努力和持之以恒的积累, 学生可在平时多背诵四级英语作文的范文, 同时在作文训练中坚持不懈地练习和模仿, 就能写出漂亮的英语四级作文,取得满意的考试成绩。
上一篇: 英语四级考试词汇备考笔记(12)
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