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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1. She can speak seven foreign languages to say nothing of her English. 她能讲七种外国语言,更不用说英语了。

  【分析】①say nothing of是用来表示更不用说是的意思。②not to speak of与no to mention也是用来表示相同的意思。③not to say则表示即使不能说的意思。

  2. To tell the truth, I dont like her at all. 说实在话,我一点也不喜欢她。

  【分析】① to tell the truth= to say the truth,是用来表示说实在话、说老实话的意思,它是一个独立主格结构,用来修饰整个句子。② to be frank with you(坦白地说),to make a long story short(简单地说),to do one justice(公平的说),与to tell the truth是个相类似的句型。

  3. When I was a boy, I was too cowardly to go out at might. 当我还是个小孩时,我太胆小以致夜晚不敢出门。

  【分析】① tooto= sothatcannot,表示太以致无法的意思;② toofor+意义上的主语+to的句型也表示相同的意思。

  4. This mountain is twice as large as that one. 这座山大约是那座山的两倍高。

  【分析】① twice as large as 是表示两倍的大小的意思。当twice改为three times four times时,则表示三倍、四倍的意思,此外as+adj.+as结构还可用as+adv.+as表达;②as+adj.+n.+as也可以表示同样的意思。


  A. 翻译

  1. 她种植了各种不同类型的珍贵花卉,更不用说是玫瑰和茉莉花了。

  2. 不能花太短的时间来完成关系一生的大事。

  3. 说实在话,他二十年前没能接受到正规学校教育。

  4. 中国超过日本二十倍大的面积。

  5. 她肯定在做白日梦,看起来她的心思好像在千里的地方。

  6. 不知道是由于我太以自我为中心或是太孤僻,以致总是无法和我所认识的人成为坦诚相交的朋友。

  7. 一般来说,在我们太空时代的幼年期,人类对太空的探索,就是靠其想象力。

  8. 他大意是说:同样一个象征符号不同的文化中却有着不同的含意。

  9. 东京的人口是日本人口的十分之一。

  10. 他的年龄是我的三倍。


  1. She raised quite different kinds of precious flowers to say nothing of roses and jasmine.

  2. Take not too short a time to do well something that will influence you all through your life.

  3. To tell the truth, he did not receive a normal education twenty years ago.

  4. The land area of China is more than twenty times larger than that of Japan.

  5. Her head was certainly in the clouds: she looked like her mind was a thousand miles away.

  6. Im either too self-centered or too reserved to be on confidential terms with anyone I know at all well.

  7. In the early years of our space age, generally speaking, mans exploits in space relied upon his imagination.

  8. He speaks to the effect that the same symbol can carry different implications in different cultures.

  9. The population of Tokyo is one-tenth of Japans as a whole.

  10. He is three times as old as me.

  B. 改错

  1. He is three times old as me.

  2. The exhibition this time attracted two as many visitors as the last time.

  3. The question was enough complicated for me to answer.

  4. He walked very fast for me to follow him.

  5. Tell the truth, I can only lend you 500 yuan.

  6. To be frank at you, he tried his best.

  7. You want to be the champion? I think you are crying into the moon.

  8. He has much experience, to say everything of knowledge.

  9. She is pretty, nothing to say of her humor.

  10. To tell truth, he is an honest man and can work well under pressure.


  1. old前加as 2. two―twice 3. enough―too 4. very―too

  5. Tell―To tell 6. at―with 7. into―at 8. everything―nothing

  9. nothing to say―to say nothing 10. truth―the truth


  1. 授人以渔式

  In education we are striving not to teach youth to make a living, but to make a life.


  【点评】该结构可以用来代替trying to,令你的文章更富魅力。

  2. 热血青年式

  I would rather see a young man blush than turn pale.


  【点评】would ratherthan(宁可,也不句)型。

  3. 言论自由式

  I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.


  【点评】I disapprove of, but I will 表示不同意某一观点,然后给自己留下余地。


  ① Leave much to be desired(令人不满意)

  The condition of our traffic leaves much to be desired.


  ② Have a great influence on(对有很大的影响)

  Smoking has a great influence on our health. 抽烟对我们的健康有很大的影响。

  ③ do good to(对有益),do harm to(对有害)

  Reading does good to our mind. 读书对心灵有益。

  Overworking does harm to ones health. 工作过度对健康有害。

  ④ Pose a great threat to(对造成一大威胁)

  Pollution poses a great threat to our existence. 污染对我们的生存造成一大威胁。

  ⑤ do ones utmost to + V. = do ones best(尽全力去)

  We should do our utmost to achieve our goal in life.


  ⑥ It pays to + V.(是值得的)

  It pays to help others. 帮助别人是值得的。

  ⑦ be based on(以为基础)

  The progress of society is based on harmony.


  ⑧ Spare no effort to + V.(不遗余力地)

  We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.


  ⑨ bring home to + 人 + 事(让明白事)

  We should bring home to people the value of working hard.


  ⑩ be closely related to(与息息相关)

  Exercising is closely related to health. 做运动与健康息息相关。



  1. Moreover, both common sense and our experiences with children inform us that people tend to mimic the language and behavior they are exposed to.

  2. Those who advocate unbridled individual expression might point out that the right of free speech is intrinsic to a democracy and necessary to its survival.

  3. The suggested reason for buying the car is obvious: it is the intelligent choice.

  4. The lesson here is that advertising, in itself, probably will not achieve as great of an importance as art.

  5. Common sense tells us that a photographer can succeed by working in media.



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