受狭隘早教观念影响,一些年轻父母热衷于迷信专家和特定环境的亲子游戏,将孩子送进早教机构接受某种方案的专门训练。科学研究表明,无论是 小学化 式的超常教育,还是盲目跟风的特长教育,既违背婴幼儿身心发展规律,又脱离孩子天性和兴趣,不仅难以收到成效,还可能为孩子长远发展埋下隐患。
A teacher from normal school reminded the parents should not blindly believe in the special programs for childrens early education and some experts,because the parents themselves were the best teachers of the childrens early education.
Influenced by some narrow early education view,some young parents are eager to worship the experts opinions and some parents-children games in specific environment.They send the children to the early education institutes for specific trainings of some program.The scientific research indicates that either the supernormal education of primary school style or some blindly specialty education violates the body and mind development rules of infants and preschool children and also deviates from the nature and interest of children.It is hard to gain results and probably leave behind a hidden trouble for the chidrens long term development.
科学研究表明,无论是 小学化 式的超常教育,还是盲目跟风的特长教育,既违背婴幼儿身心发展规律,又脱离孩子天性和兴趣,不仅难以收到成效,还可能为孩子长远发展埋下隐患。
长句我们可以按照句中内在逻辑结构进行分析,这里最后的 不仅 还可能 ,这两个分句就是后果,我们可以单独把它们翻译为一句,同时 科学研究表明 后面接一个宾语从句, 超常教育 , 特长教育 可以作为该宾语从句的主语, 违背 和 脱离 作为宾语从句的谓语动词短语。
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