1.中医是世界医学的遗产。中医有比西方医学 更好的治病方法。因为中医的效果和医治方式,在世界上中医现在 越来越流行了。中医起源于古代,巳经发展了很长一段时间,它收 集了治疗不同疾病的各种方法。传统中医讲究人们身体系统的平衡。这是说,一旦人的身体系统平衡,疾病就会消失。身体系统的损害 是疾病的根源。
翻译: Chinese medicine is a heritage of world medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine has a power to heal people better than the western ones. China medicine now is more and more popular in the world due to its effect and its way to heal people. Originated from the ancient time,the Chinese medicine has developed in a long time and it has collected vari?ous ways to treat different illness. The traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to the balance the body system of people. It is said that once the system of people is in balance, the illness will disappear. The damage of the body system is the source of disease.
2.为消费者提供所需是每一个企业成功的关键。为此,企业需要 为如何吸引并留住客户制定计划。影响这种计划的因素很多,比如 客户关系、广告、声誉、定价、性价比以及售后服 务等。除此之外,一个企业还需要高效、经济、安全地运营,因为 这些方面是与客户和雇员直接相关的。
翻译: Providing what the customer requires is the key to any suc?cessful business. To do this, a business needs to have a plan for attracting, and keeping,their customers. There are several factors involved in developing a workable plan, such as, customer relations, advertising, reputation,pricing,value for money and after sales service. On top of that, businesses need to be run, efficiently, economically and safely because all these aspects relate to both their customers and their employees.
3.尽管图书的种类多种多样,但从本质上说,它们都可以被分为 两大类,即纪实题材与小说题材。有时二者之间很难辨别,因为许多小说都是围绕着现实事件和真实人物来进行创作的。 纪实题材的书籍包括:历史书,教科书,旅行手记,手册指南 和自传等。
翻译:There are many, many different types of books but, essentially, fliey come in two categories, fact or fiction. Sometimes it is hard to distinguish between the two, because some fiction stories are mixed around true event and refer to real life people. The types of books that are included in the factual category are history books, text books, travel books, manuals and autobiographies.
4.尽管音乐对每个人来说,都再熟悉不过了,但是几乎每个人对 这门艺术都有自己的观点看法。什么音乐算是好的音乐,这是见仁 见智的。各个音乐风格都有自己的经典音乐作品流行的并不完全等 于经典的。一个好的音乐作品,是创作者和演奏者 双方共同努力的结果,二者相辅相成,缺一不可。
翻译: While music is familiar to virtually everyone it is an art, about which everyone has an opinion. What defines great music is, very much, a personal issue. There is great music in every style but what is popular does not always define the quality. Music is a joint effort between the creator and the performer and one cannot exist without the other.
孙大圣是中国古典文学名著《西游记》中 的一个主要的人物。他是唐僧第一个徒弟。其实在中国, 他最受欢迎的名字不是孙大圣,而是孙悟空,这是教他72变 的第一个师傅给他起的名字。悟的意思是启迪。空的意 思是无,这是佛学中最重要的一个认识。在佛学中, 人必须放弃欲望和所有对财富、名声的渴望,以培养自己为佛。
翻译:Monkey King is one of the main characters in Chinese classic literature masterpiece Journey to the West. He is the first disciple of Tang Monk.Actually in Chinese,his most popular name is not Monkey King but Sun Wukong,,,which was given by his first Master who taught him the 72 supernormal abilities. Wu means enlightening. Kong means emptiness,which is one of the most important understandings in Buddhism. In Buddhism, one has to give up every human desire and all attachments including the attachments to wealth and fame etc, in order to cultivate oneself into a Buddha.
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