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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1. He is ________________ as a writer.

  2. The parents should also set the kids free _______________ .

  3. Some freshmen _____________to pursue a masters degree after undergraduate studies.

  4. So it is essential for the students _____________in order to learn something that they cant get in class.

  5.In order to improve the competence of state-run enterprises,the central government ________________,among which is cutting down the staff.

  1. not so much a scholar

  解析:本句意为:与其说他是个学者不如说是个作家。考查的是 与其......倒不如...... 的句型。句中所给部分已有as,所以最好用 not so much...as...。如:In many cases,nursing is not so much a job as a way of life.

  2. to make their own choices

  解析:考查目的状语 以便 的英文表达,正确答案可以是:in order to/to/so as to+动词,也可以用in order/so+that从句。具体要根据字数要求定。

  3. make up their minds

  解析:本句意为:许多大一新生打定主意要在本科毕业后继续争取硕士学位。 打定主意、决定下来 可选用:make up ones mind to do,be determined to do,decide to do。题中pursue表示坚持不懈地追求,如:She pursued the study of English for five years.

  4. to participate in social practice

  解析:本句意为:对学生而言,有必要深入社会实践,从而学到课堂上学不到的东西。 深入 事实上是指学生要参与社会实践,因此确切译法是to participate, 社会实践 可译成social practice或social activity。

  5. has implemented a series of reforms

  解析:本句意为:为了提高国有企业的竞争力,政府已经实行了一系列改革,其中一项是裁员。这里大家要记住 国有企业 的表达,而 外资企业 应译为 oversea-funded enterprise或foreign-based company。 实行 可选用implement,carry out,由于是 一系列 改革,因此reform要用复数形式。另外 已经 暗示句子应该用完成时态。



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