京剧是中国的国粹。作为一门古老的艺术,京 剧的服装(costume)、脸谱更易被人喜爱。不同的服装 类型反映不同的人物身份特征。富贵者的服装缀满精美的刺绣;穷困 者的服装则简单朴素,少有装饰。脸谱是京剧中塑造人物 形象的重要手段,它是用不同的颜色在脸上勾画出来的。脸谱的颜 色让人一看便知角色的善恶。比如白色代表奸诈, 黑色代表正直不阿,黄色是骁勇,蓝、绿色多用于绿林好汉,金、银色多用于神佛等。
Beijing Opera is the cream of the Chinese culture. As a tradi?tional art form, its costumes and facial mask are more popular with peo?ple. Different styles of costumes are used to reflect the status of different characters. There are more decorations in the costumes of nobles,while those of the poor tend to be simple and less elemental. Facial masks can reflect qualities of different characters. Facial masks using different colors are important ways to portray a character. People can tell a hero from a villain by the colors of the masks. In general,white usually represents treachery, black represents righteousness, yellow represents bravery, blue and green represent rebellious fighters,while gold and silver represent di?vinity and Buddhism.
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