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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  25. Black Fiction surveys a wide variety of novels,bringing to our attention in the process some fascinating and little-known works like James Weldon Johnsons Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man. (4)注意:bring A to B 〉bring to B A

  《黑人小说》考察了极为广泛的一系列小说,在此过程中让我们注意到了某些引人入胜但却鲜为人知的作品,如詹姆斯。韦尔登。约翰逊(James Weldon Johnson)的《一个曾经是有色人的自传》(Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man)。 难句类型:倒装

  解释:在以bringing开头的作状语的分词中出现了倒装,bring A to B被倒装为bring to B A,其倒装的原因仍是为了避免头重脚轻,正常的语序应该如下:bringing some fascinating and little-known works like James Weldon johnsons Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man to our attention in the process.

  意群训练:Black Fiction surveys a wide variety of novels, bringing to our attention in the process some fascinating and little-known works like James Weldon Johnsons Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man.

  26. Although these molecules allow radiation at visible wavelengths, where most of the energy of sunlight is concentrated,to pass through,they absorb some of the longer-wavelength,infrared emissions radiated from the Earths surface,radiation that would otherwise be transmitted back into space. 虽然这些分子允许可见波长(visible wavelength)的辐射阳光的大部分能量就汇集于此不受阻挡地穿透,但它们却会吸收某些较长波长(longer-wavelength),亦即从地球表面辐射出的红外发射(infrared emission),这种辐射若不是二氧化碳的缘故就会被重新输送回太空。


  解释:前面的分句中有一个不算很长的插入语,但是因为它插入的位置正好在固定搭配allow something to do somthing中间,将allow和to分得很远,以读起来让人感觉很不舒服。

  后面的分句中的最后一行radiation that would otherwise be transmitted back into space是其前面的infrared emissions的同位语。其中的otherwise是副词作状语,表示如果后面的分句说的they absorb some of the longer-waverlength, infrared emissions不发生时的后果。

  意群训练:Although these molecules allow radiation at visible wavelengths, where most of the energy of sunlight is concentrated, to pass through, they absorb some of the longer-wavelength, infrared emissions radiated from the Earths surface, radiation that would otherwise be transmitted back into space。



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