【例25】For some people hope dies slowly.【译文】对有些人来说,希望不会轻易破灭。【例26】 In planning
【例26】 In planning my drive to the airport, I will factor in a cushion: to allow for the unexpected, such as heavy traffic or a flat tire. 【译文】我在安排开车前往机场时,总会考虑留一点时间,以防路上遇到交通堵塞或者轮胎漏气等意外情况。
【例27】 The blue in his fine eyes seemed to preclude his being a Syrian, but there was an encouraging curve in his nostrils. 【译文】看他那双蓝眼睛,他似乎不可能是叙利亚人,但看他鼻子的曲线,却又使人觉得他很有可能是的。
【例28】The pace was comfortable, so I decided to stay where I was. 【译文】我觉得这种步速跑起来轻松,所以我就决定保持这种速度。
【例29】He always lives ahead of his salary. 【译文】他总是不到发薪水的日子就把钱花完了。或:他的薪水总是不够花。 美国语言教学家Wilga M. Rivers 说过理解中要掌握三个层次的意义,即词语意义、语法或结构意义以及社会和文化意义(the three levels of meaning: lexical meaning, structural or grammatical meaning, and social-cultural meaning)
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