在回答英语题的时候首先不要急,先要有整理意识,应先从整体上看一下题目有无规律可循。 换句话说就是在英语四级阅读中就是准确快速得提取出句子的主干,这样不仅能加快阅读速度,而且能够准确的理解句子的意思。
举例:Under a system deployed on the WhiteHouse Web site for the first time last time,those who want to send a message to PresidentBush must now navigate as many as nine Web pages and fill out a detailed form that starts by asking whether the message sender supports WhiteHouse policy or differs with it.
分析技巧如下:在长难句中象以介词短语开头的这部分可以先不理会,重要的是找出句子主的干,在这句话中可以提取主干为:Those people must now navigate nine Web pages and fill out a detailed form.主干意思都能很容易理解,然后再把细节添加上。如果你看到这个句子后一个词接一个词的翻译,会大大影响理解的速度,可能会出现读了很长时间但还是弄不清楚这个句子到底说的什么情况。另外象长句子中常见的诸如过去分词形式的词比如 deployed,detailed,这2个词虽然形式一样但是在句中的功能却截然不同,deployed是过去分词做后置定语修饰system,而第二个detailed却是起着形容词的作用,即过去分词形式的形容词修饰form。我经过阅读大量的文章发现,象这种形式的词在句子中一般就这2种作用:一是过去分词前无谓语动词,过去分词直接跟在名词后面,这种词起后置定语作用,二是过去分词位于名词之前,这种情况下就起着形容词的作用。所以以后在碰到这样的词不用发愁不知道它在句子中到底有什么用,只要按上面2种思路考虑,一般都能准确地判断出词在句子中的意思。
再看下面一个例子:DNA analysis has been so successfully applied in criminal investigations that the media coverage has left the public a strong perception that DNA analysis is infallible.在理解这个句子时一定要抓住句子的核心so that句型,在这个句子中它引导结果状语从句,在口语中这个that可以省略。第二个that则是引导名词性从句。
1. Any company larger than 300 workers that fails to meet the minimum hiring standard must pay a penalty of 50000 Yen for each of the unfilled positions.
2. Many of life s problems which were solved by asking family members,friends or colleagues are beyond the capability of the extended family to resolve.
3. The period characterized by so vast a body of elaborately representational art produced for the sake of illustrating anecdote also produced a number of painters who examined the mechanism of lght and visual perception.