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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  From a 15 of all southern California earthquakes with magnitudes of 4- 5 or greater during that period, Namias 16 out the summers with many quakes and those with no quakes. His analysis of the meteorology during these summers shows that quakes were more 17 under a particular set of conditions; a stronger-than-normal North Pacific high pressure, a low-pressure ridge over the 18 interior. Summers with no quakes usually had a weak Pacific high and a poorly developed continental high, he reports in the Dec. 10 JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH. Namias cannot 19 the apparent correlation between pressure and seismicity, but he 20 that variations in seafloor pressure or in sea-surface temperature might influence both the atmospheric pressure and the ground stress in California.

  A. damaging B. idea C. trace D. greatly

  E. picked F. clue G. explain H. forcefully

  I. detects J. plan K. continental L. list

  M. predicts N. managing O. likely

  II. A 12. F 13. B 14. D 15. L 16. E 17. O 18. K 19. G 20. M



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