Passage 1
Psychics are people who can get information about people, places, or situations through a sixth sense-a sense that exists in addition to those of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching. They can use their psychic ability to heal people who are sick, to give advice, to give hints about the future, and to do many other things. And its not just individuals who use psychics; sometimes companies and governments use psychics, too. One year a company called Delphi and Associates earned $120,000 on the stock market with the help of psychics.
So how can I get some psychic help? you may ask yourself. Well, you dont have to pay a lot of money to a professional psychic. You can start by using your own psychic ability.
Psychic abilities are really just another sense, similar to our other five senses. The difference is that we never develop our psychic sense in the same way that we develop our other senses. We train our eyes to see the difference between a V and a U; we train our ears to hear the difference between a /ch/ and a /sh/ sound; we can feel the difference between silk and leather; we can smell and taste if milk is sour. But our sixth sense, our psychic sense, seldom develops very much. Because most of us ignore our psychic sense for so long, it takes some time to develop it. If you have never played soccer before, you cannot expect to be a good player after three lessons. It might take years to become really good. Psychic ability works the same way.
1. People use psychics ________.
[A] mainly to see the future
[B] to make money
[C] to see what one cannot usually see
[D] for many reasons
2. _______ learn to use their psychic ability.
[A] Many people
[B] Many companies
[C] Few people
[D] Few governments
3. Psychic abilities ________.
[A] are similar to other senses
[B] work in the same way as other senses
[C] are different from other senses
[D] work together with other senses
4. Our psychic sense seldom develops very much because ________.
[A] we never sense it
[B]. we never believe in it
[C] we ignore it
[D] we dont want to take time to train it
5. The attitude of the author towards psychic abilities is ________.
[A] positive [B] negative [C] critical [D] neutral
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