Protests against widening income disparity took place across western Europe and Asia today as the Occupy Wall Street movement spread around the globe, with about 1,000 converging in London and 5,000 in Frankfurt.
In the U.K. capital, police barred protesters from entering Paternoster Square, home to the London Stock Exchange. In Frankfurt, marchers gathered by the European Central Bank headquarters, firing soap bubbles from toy pistols with plans to camp out, ZDF German television reported.
In the shadow of Londons St. Pauls cathedral, protesters waved banners with slogans that read No bulls, no bears, just pigs and Bankers are the Real Looters. Police parked vans in front of the cathedral to block access to the nearby LSE.
The financial system benefits a handful of banks at the expense of everyday people, the taxpayers, said Spyro Van Leemnen, a 27-year old public relations agent and a core member of the demonstrators. Same people who are responsible for the recession are getting away with massive bonuses. This is fundamentally unfair and undemocratic.
抗议者当中的核心队员27岁的公关代表Spyro Van Leemnen表示:当前的金融系统让每个人纳税人为了少数银行的利益买单。那些应该对此次金融危机负责的人却手持大量的奖金退场,这是完全的不公平和不民主。
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