Chinese financial scandals
SHORT-SELLERS have been feasting of late on acrop of Chinese companies whose shares have collapsed on foreign markets amid allegations ofdeceptive accounting. Take Sino Forest, a forestry firm listed in Canada, whose sharesslumped from C$25.30 in March to as low as C$1.99 in June after a research outfitquestioned its accounts .
在账目作假的指控声中外国市场上一批中国公司股票大跌,这让卖空者欣喜不已。如在加拿大上市的嘉汉公司,在一研究机构对其账目提出质疑后,其股票从三月的 25.30跌至七月的1.99.
A sharp fall in a companys share price after allegations of deceptive accounting is hardlyunexpected, except perhaps in China. What matters in a scandal there is a little differentfrom in most other places.
A recent study by three academics looks at several hundred scandals linked to companiestraded on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges between 1997 and 2005. Their resultsare striking. Revelations of financial fraud and various other similar crimes, such asembezzlement and kickbacks, are not entirely irrelevant to a companys share price. But totrigger the sort of collapse in a companys stock, the loss of short-term financing and themanagerial and board changes that occur in America or other developed markets requiresanother element in China: the involvement of the state.
三位学者最近做的一份研究聚焦于近百起丑闻,这些丑闻涉及1997年至 2005年期间在上海和深圳股票市场进行交易的公司。他们的研究发现引人注目。对财务诈骗和各种类似罪行,如盗用公款,收取回扣等的揭露势必对该公司的股票价造成影响。但如要引起一家公司股票的暴跌,除了短期资金的缺失,管理和董事会的变动,像美国或其他发展完善的市场发生过的那样,在中国还需要另一元素:即政府的参与。
The study found that companies caught up in mereaccounting scandals saw their shares drop by anaverage of 8.8% over the six months on either sideof the incident. In those involving the bribery ofgovernment officials or theft of state assets, on theother hand, the stock fell by almost a third.
Collapsing share prices tell only part of the story.Companies caught up in funny business involving the government faced a withdrawal ofshort-term financing and changes to the boardresponses common in Western companiesimplicated in all sorts of scandal but rare among Chinese companies caught cooking the books.
The reason for the difference is that Western markets rely on contracts being enforced bycourts and on investors, suppliers and customers all acting on the basis of audited accounts.In China and other less developed markets, by contrast, business is done on the basis ofpolitical and social relationships, not numbers. That changes the dynamic of a scandal.
Staying pals with the government is extraordinarily important: it can lead to cheap financing,land and contracts, along with one other often overlooked benefit.Because China lacks an impartial judicial system, Chinese companies are often at a loss as towhom they can trust when dealing with new customers or suppliers. Legal redress for aproblem may often hinge on a companys relationship with officials. If that is compromised andthe loss becomes public knowledgeas would happen with the disclosure of a government-related scandalthe companys ability to operate will be undermined.
It is not just markets that behave this way: officials seem to as well. Reports of prosecutions inChina over dodgy accounting in cases where investors or clients are victims remain scarce. Butthe penalties for financial crimes when the state is the victim can be extreme. A group ofpeople found guilty of counterfeiting money were sentenced to death in July.
It has long been assumed that as Chinas market evolved, it would come to look more like the West with the legitimacy of Chinese companies hinging on their own accounts rather than their ties to the government. That assumption may be worth re-examining, not only because Chinas vast state apparatus shows little interest in shedding control but also because some Western markets are starting to look a bit more like Chinas.
Since the financial crisis governments in America and Britain, to name but two, have become large shareholders in financial and industrial companies. The conclusions of the academics paperthat the value of a company in developing markets is tied more tightly to its relationship with the government than its investorsmay become the new normal elsewhere too.
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