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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Double-edged deferral


  How lower taxes could hurt Americas big banks


  WHEN is a corporate-tax cut bad for acorporation? When it would trigger hefty write-downs of peculiar but critical assets, as is the caseat some of Americas largest banks. The accounting item in question is the deferred-tax asset. This is a legacy of the financial crisis. Americas tax code allows losses amassed duringthe meltdown to be used to offset future tax bills. Since a bank isincreasing its future cashflows by reducing expected tax payments, this is recorded as an asseton the balance-sheet.


  JPMorgan Chase held DTAs of $16 billion at the end of last year, while Bank of America had $27billion-worth. The undisputed deferred-tax king, however, is Citigroup with slightly more than$50 billion-worth, the largest discretionary accounting item in the companys history.


  To some, this looks highly optimistic. Mike Mayo, an analyst with CLSA, a broker, hasrelentlessly questioned Citis ability to produce enough taxable income to justify the assetand has suggested that it could be overvalued by $10 billiona view for which he was, for atime, blackballed and badmouthed by the firms top brass. Citi rejects the suggestion that it iscounting imaginary beans. Its DTA is, according to its latest filing, recognised subject tomanagements judgment that realisation is more likely than not .


  Banks with DTAs have to worry about electoral politics as well as future profits. With BarackObama and all the Republican presidential candidates either keen or at least prepared to lowerthe top rate of federal corporate tax from todays 35%, a reduction over the next year ortwo looks reasonably likely, with an outside chance of a sharp cut. Any such move would makeDTAs less valuable since future tax deductions would be worth less. With tax at 35%, a dollarof such deductions saves a company 35 cents. A cut to 20% would reduce the benefit to 20cents.

  拥有递延税项资产的银行除了要关注未来的营利,还得关注总统候选人的政策理念,奥巴马和所有的共和党侯选人要么急于、要么至少准备降低联邦公司税的税率,目前税率是35%,在今后一两年有理由相信这个税率会降低,但下降幅度不可能太大。任何此类行为都会使递延税款资产发生减值,因为税率降低将导致未来税款抵减额减少。当税率为35%时,一美元此类抵减额能为公司节省35美分。如果税率降低到 20%,一美元抵减额就只能为公司节省20美分。



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