IN EARLY 2010 opponents of a proposed mosque inMurfreesboro, Tennessee, spray-painted NOTWELCOME on a sign announcing the new building.Simple-minded vandalism, perhaps; but theirscrawl captured the feelings of an increasingly noisysegment of Americas population. In the monthsthat followed, nasty disputes erupted over plannedmosques in Wisconsin, California and New York.Some suggested that Islam did not deserveprotection under the first amendment, whichguarantees freedom of religion as well as speech.
Yet these mosque projects and others continue. Since the terrorist attacks of September 2001Islam in America has flourished. The number of mosques has nearly doubled over the pastdecade, rising from 1,209 in 2000 to 2,106 in 2011, according to a new report from a multi-faith coalition.
Several factors explain the building boom, says Ihsan Bagby of the University of Kentuckyand the reports main author. The growing size of Americas Muslim population has createda need for more mosques, partly as a reflection of the religions growing diversity. Muslimsare also increasingly moving away from the cities, where most mosques are sited. Theproportion of mosques in the suburbs has grown from 16% of the total in 2000 to 28% in2011.
一些事实解释了建筑物浪潮,来自肯塔基大学的报道主要作者Ihsan Bagby说道。美国穆斯林人口格局的不断壮大创造了更多对清真寺的需要,这也是宗教信仰多元化的一个体现。穆斯林们也越来越多的抛弃自己的城市--大多数穆斯林的所在地。处在郊区的清真寺的比例也从2000年的16%上升到了2011年的28%
These findings will probably further rouse those who are worried that radical Islam will takeroot in America. But the report suggests such worries are misplaced. Nearly 90% of mosqueleaders say they have seen no increase in radicalism among young Muslims. And most alsosay that they take a flexible approach to Islam rather than strictly interpreting its texts.
Other findings back up an earlier report from the Pew Research Centre, which showed thatmost Muslim Americans have assimilated. Nearly all mosque leaders agree that Muslimsshould be involved in American institutions and should take part in American politics. Theyeven seem unfazed by the scrutiny of a suspicious government . Only aquarter say they believe American society is hostile to Islam, well down from 54% in 2000.
另一些发现要追溯到一份来自Pew调查中心的更早期的报道,它显示大部分美国穆斯林们已经被同化。几乎所有的清真寺领导都同意穆斯林们应该加入美国体系并且参与美国政治活动。在多疑的政府的监视下他们甚至似乎并不感到为难 。从2000年的54%的高比例到现在只有四分之一的人说他们相信美国社会对伊斯兰教徒们是怀有敌意的。
As with other religions in America, the main challenge facing Islam is not radicalism, butsecularisation. The good news for mosque leaders is that there is a growing pool ofprospective worshippers. The numbers in the report, if accurate, cast doubt on previousestimates, which have put Americas Muslim population at between 1m and 3m. Mr Bagbythinks the number is closer to 7m. Enthusiasts for Americas diversity will be pleased to hearthat. Others, unfortunately, will be alarmed.
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