How to spend it
The tech giant should give cash back to shareholders
NOT long after Steve Jobs died last year, wags eulogised the Apple co-founder with a joke:
Ten years ago we had Steve Jobs, Bob Hope and Johnny Cash. Now we have no jobs, nohope and no cash. Apple may no longer have Jobs, but it fills investors with hope and isbrimming with cash.
10年前,我们有史蒂夫乔布斯, 鲍勃霍普和约翰尼卡什,现在呢,手头没有工作,内里缺乏信心,腰包里也早就没钱了 。
Its market capitalisation recently passed $500 billion, and it has a whopping $100 billion or soof cash on its balance-sheet.
That mountain of money is about to get higher.
而且,这个 钱山 还会越堆越高。
Apple aficionados are poised to snap up the new gadgets that the company unveiled onMarch 7th. These include a new iPad, the latest in the firm s wildly popular range of tabletcomputers, and a revamped Apple TV device.
If the new iPad, which boasts a super-sharp screen and lightning-fast connectivity, winsfriendly reviews, it will give a big boost to Tim Cook, Jobs s handpicked successor.
But the extra cash it delivers will also increase pressure on Apple s boss and board to explainwhat they plan to do with the company s embarrassment of riches.
同时, 苹果公司老板和董事将如何处理这笔巨额财富 将成为舆论焦点,而也恰恰是尴尬之处。
Last month Mr Cook admitted that the firm has more cash than it needs for its operations. It sa nice problem to have.
上个月,库克先生曾承认苹果现有的现金流超出了运营日常业务所需,这是个让人高兴的 富贵病 。
The obvious solution would be to give cash back to shareholders, either via dividends orshare buybacks.
This is a surprisingly sensitive subject. Mr Jobs was obsessed with hoarding cash, not leastbecause of Apple s near-bankruptcy in the mid-1990s. Returning money to shareholderswould mark a big departure from the revered founder s philosophy.
Another reason Mr Cook will want to tread carefully is that some pundits see a tech firm sdecision to start paying dividends as a signal that its glory days are behind it.
One oft-cited example is Microsoft, whose growth slowed after it began returning cash toshareholders in 2003.
Apple is unlikely to suffer a similar fate.
Demand for its iGizmos seems insatiable. That is why it needs to come up with ways toinvest more of its cash sensibly.
Tim Bajarin of Creative Strategies, a consulting firm, reckons Apple could ramp up its forwardpurchases of components and set up its own semiconductor factories, to give it a tighter gripon a critical link in its supply chain.
It could open more physical storesthough their sales would only add to its cash pile.
And it may have to fork out more on lawyers fees to fight patent lawsuits and deal withother problems, including allegations that it colluded with publishers to fix the price of digitalbooks.
On the acquisition front, the firm has long shunned megadeals, preferring to swallowsmaller firms with technology and people it covets.
That policy is unlikely to change, though Apple may well accelerate its deal-making tempo.
Among its likely targets are firms that offer video and other entertainment content, andothers with data that could enhance services such as Siri, its virtual personal assistant.
None of this would put much of a dent in $100 billion.
这些支出跟1000亿美元相比,简直是 九牛一毛 。
So Apple will probably start handing cash back to shareholders later this year.
Working out how to do so will take time, not least because the firm holds much of its moneyoutside America in order to avoid hefty US corporate-tax rates.
Some Apple fans fret that if the company decides to pay regular dividends, it could end upregretting it.
Apple needs to watch out for dividend addicts, says Aswath Damodaran, a financeprofessor at New York University who owns Apple stock. Such shareholders, he adds, will beobsessed with extracting as much cash as possible from Apple rather than with its mission ofmaking mind-blowing products.
来自纽约大学的金融学教授Aswath Damoaran是苹果的股东,他说: 公司需要注意,发放股息返现将会吸引来不少过分追求红利的投资者,这群人所重视的,不是公司能否推出令人耳目一新的产品,而是尽可能地利用股息赚钱。
Perhaps. But the point of shares is that they confer ownership. They are valuable onlybecause shareholders expectand are entitled toa share of profits.
Apple may have trouble finding a good use for its cash, but its shareholders will not.
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