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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Friendsunited;An unlikely comic hit


  French film-makers are good at turning out sillycomedies that foreigners find unwatchable. Theyhave a better export record with highbrow,low-plot movies, set in chic apartments withparquet floors, that feel moodily French. Justoccasionally, however, they come up with acomic gem. Intouchables, directed by OlivierNakache and Eric Toledano, is one of those cleverlypitched, well-scripted, feel-good comic films typically crafted in Hollywood; it is a delight tosee that the French can sometimes pull them off too. With more than 4m tickets sold since itopened earlier this month, the film is set to be a boxoffice smash.

  法国电影制作人擅长导演让外国观众看不下去的无厘头喜剧。电影的口碑也多为孤芳自赏和缺乏情节,多以别致的公寓,干净的木地板为背景,让人能感觉到沉闷的法国风格。然而偶尔,他们也会有好的喜剧作品。由奥利维那卡和艾力克托兰达导演电影《不可触碰》就是一例。该电影制作精良,剧本精心推敲,倒像是典型出自好莱坞的喜剧片,很高兴看到法兰西人能时不时突破自己。影片自11月初首映以来就已突破 400万张票房业绩,这部电影势必会成为一部轰动票房之作。

  Based on a true story, it follows the improbable relationship between Philippe, aquadriplegic aristocrat , and Driss , a gregarious Senegal-bornyouth from the banlieues, the grim housing estates that ring Paris. On his release fromprison, Driss is hired by Philippe in a moment of recklessness as a live-in help at his Parismansion. Philippe is warned that banlieue youths have no pity. No pity, replies thewheelchair-bound former paraglider wryly, is just what I want.


  Less deftly handled, the treatment of such a subject could have fallen into a number of traps.Instead, the film s light touch finds comedy in both men s handicaps: the one physical, theother social. Each, in his own unsentimental way, understands the other better than do thosearound them. This unlikely chemistry is captured in the opening sequence, when Drissroars through the streets of night-time Paris, funk music at full blast and Philippe in thepassenger seat, giving his employer the thrill of the Maserati he owns but cannot drive.


  French critics have been thoroughly charmed. Le Figaronewspaper called the film faultless.Paris-Match described it as the best scripted, best acted, funniest and most moving that wehave seen in a long time. It has surely launched Mr Sy, a black comedian best-known for ashort nightly sketch on Canal Plus, a television channel, on the way to stardom. Bob andHarvey Weinstein, two Hollywood producers, have acquired the rights for America andBritain. Here s hoping that English-language audiences will get to see the original Frenchversion, and not just a remake.




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