An image of the future
One of the biggest manufacturers in the worldgives 3D printing a go
ULTRASOUND scanners are used for tasks as diverse as examining unborn babies andsearching for cracks in the fabric of aircraft.
They work by sending out pulses of high-frequency sound and then interpreting thereflections as images.
To do all this, though, you need a device called a transducer.
Transducers are made from arrays of tinypiezoelectric structures that convert electrical signals into ultrasound waves by vibrating atan appropriate frequency.
Their shape focuses the waves so that they penetrate the object being scanned.
The waves are then reflected back from areas where there is a change in density and ontheir return the transducer works in reverse, producing a signal which the scanner canprocess into a digital image.
To make a transducer by painstakingly micro-machining a brittle block of ceramicmaterial can take many hours of work, though.
As a result, even as the size and cost of the console that controls the scanner has fallen withadvances in microelectronics,the cost of making the probe itself remains stubbornlyhighas much as ten times that of the console.
随着微电子领域中,技术的突飞猛进,控制扫描仪的电路板无论从体积还有成本都有很大程度的优化变小和降低。有些电路板小到可以装进医生口袋里面,成本也不过几百美元的价格。而制作换能器探头的成本却一直居高不下,跟电路板相比,探头的制作成本大概是一块电路板的10 倍左右。
At least, it does if you use traditional subtractive manufacturing techniques like cutting anddrilling.
However GE, a large American conglomerate, is now proposing to make ultrasoundtransducers by additive manufacturingor three-dimensional printing, as it is also known.
A new laboratory at the firms research centre in Niskayuna, New York, is taking ahard-headed look at the technique, which some see as a fad and others as the future, andworking out which products might be made more efficiently by addition rather thansubtraction.
GE在纽约 Niskayuna地区的研发中心新成立了一个实验室,目前该实验室正本着理性实际的态度对该项技术进行研发,力图找到哪些产品用对比添加式而非对比相减式的技术流程加工生产更加适合。一些人认为,对该项技术的研发只不过是一时狂热。还有一些人声称,目前的时机并不成熟,对该项技术的研发仅仅具有将来时的意义罢了。
Ultrasound transducers were an early pick both because of the complicated geometryneeded to focus the sound waves and because ceramics are harder than metals to cut anddrill accurately.
But they are easy to print.
The GE process for making a transducer begins by spreading onto the print table a thin layerof ceramic slurry containing a light-sensitive polymer.
This layer is exposed to ultraviolet light through a mask that represents the requiredpattern.
Wherever the light falls on the polymer it causes it to solidify, binding the particles in theslurry together.
The print table is then lowered by a fraction of a millimetre and the process repeated, with adifferent mask if required.
And so on. Once finished, the solidified shape is cleaned of residual slurry and heated in afurnace to sinter the ceramic particles together.
More work will be needed to turn the process into a production-ready system.
But Prabhjot Singh, who leads the project, hopes that it will be possible to use it to make notjust cheaper ultrasound probes, but also more sensitive ones that can show greater detail.
但项目负责人Prabhjot Singh表示,希望不仅仅制造出成本相对低廉的超声波探头,最好探头的灵敏性也会更高,这样可以让我们通过成像看到更加细节化的信息。
Although researchers have had new transducer designs in mind for years, it has beenimpractical to construct them subtractively.
Additive manufacturing could change that.
The new laboratory will look at other forms of additive manufacturing, too.
Some 3D printers spread metal powders on the print table and sinter the pattern withlasers or electron beams, rather than using masks.
Others deposit thin filaments of polymer in order to build structures up.
GE is interested in how the technology could be used right across the firms businesses, fromaerospace to power generation and consumer products, according to Luana Iorio, head ofmanufacturing technologies at GE Global Research.
GE全球研发中心制造技术中心主任Luana Iorio指出,GE旨在为各种商业形式,包括象航空航天、能源及消费产品等领域提供令人满意的3D印刷技术。
The gains include less waste and the ability to make bespoke parts more easily.
But one of the most compelling advantages is freeing designers from the constraints oftraditional production.
Those constraints include having to design things not in their optimal shape but to bemachined, often as a series of pieces.
Additive manufacturing can combine parts into a single item, so less assembly is needed.That can also save weighta particular advantage in aerospace.
These new production opportunities mean manufacturers, big and small, are about to becomea lot more inventive.
1.manufacturer n.制造商
My husband is now a purse manufacturer.
2.diverse a.不同的;多种多样的
They are the people from diverse cultures.
3.frequency n.频繁;频率
Accidents on that highway are happening with increasing frequency.
4.array n.一系列;大批
The era also gave birth to a whole array of new social problems.
5.penetrate v.渗透;看穿;穿透
The mist penetrated into the room.
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