Alternative medicine
Think yourself better
Alternative medical treatments rarely work. But theplacebo effect they induce sometimes does
ON MAY 29th Edzard Ernst, the world s first professor of complementary medicine, will stepdown after 18 years in his post at the Peninsula Medical School, in south-west England.
Despite his job title, Dr Ernst is no breathless promoter of snake oil.
跟他的职务头衔相反Dr Ernst 并不是那种推销起蛇油舌灿莲花的人。
Instead, he and his research group have pioneered the rigorous study of everything fromacupuncture and crystal healing to Reiki channelling and herbal remedies.
Alternative medicine is big business.
Since it is largely unregulated, reliable statistics are hard to come by.
The market in Britain alone, however, is believed to be worth around £210m, with one infive adults thought to be consumers,
and some treatments available from the National Health Service.
Around the world, according to an estimate made in 2008, the industry s value is about $60billion.
Over the years Dr Ernst and his group have run clinical trials and published over 160meta-analyses of other studies.
His findings are stark. According to his Guide to Complementary and Alternative Medicine,around 95% of the treatments he and his colleagues examinedin fields as diverse asacupuncture, herbal medicine, homeopathy and reflexologyare statisticallyindistinguishable from placebo treatments.
In only 5% of cases was there either a clear benefit above and beyond a placebo, or evenjust a hint that something interesting was happening to suggest that further research mightbe warranted.
It was, at times, a lonely experience.
Money was hard to come by.
Practitioners of alternative medicine became increasingly reluctant to co-operate as thenegative results piled up, while traditional medical-research bodies saw investigations intothings like Ayurvedic healing as a waste of time.
Yet Dr Ernst believes his work helps address a serious public-health problem.
He points out that conventional medicines must be shown to be both safe and efficaciousbefore they can be licensed for sale.
That is rarely true of alternative treatments, which rely on a mixture of appeals to traditionand to the natural wholesomeness of their products to reassure consumers.
That explains why, for instance, some homeopaths can market treatments for malaria,despite a lack of evidence to suggest that such treatments work, or why some chiropractorscan claim to cure infertility.
Despite this lack of evidence, and despite the possibility that some alternative practitionersmay be harming their patients, Dr Ernst also believes there is something that conventionaldoctors can usefully learn from the chiropractors, homeopaths and Ascended Masters.
This is the therapeutic value of the placebo effect, one of the strangest and slipperiestphenomena in medicine.
Mind and body
A placebo is a sham medical treatmenta pharmacologically inert sugar pill, perhaps, or apiece of pretend surgery.
Its main scientific use at the moment is in clinical trials as a baseline for comparison withanother treatment.
But just because the medicine is not real does not mean it doesn t work.
That is precisely the point of using it in trials: researchers have known for years thatcomparing treatment against no treatment at all will give a misleading result.
Giving pretend painkillers, for instance, can reduce the amount of pain a patientexperiences.
A study carried out in 2002 suggested that fake surgery for arthritis in the knee providessimilar benefits to the real thing.
And the effects can be harmful as well as helpful.
Patients taking fake opiates after having been prescribed the real thing may experience theshallow breathing that is a side-effect of the real drugs.
Besides being benchmarks, placebos are a topic of research in their own right.
On May 16th the Royal Society, the world s oldest scientific academy, published a volume ofits Philosophical Transactions devoted to the field.
One conclusion emerging from the research, says Irving Kirsch, a professor at HarvardMedical School who wrote the preface to the volume,
is that the effect is strongest for those disorders that are predominantly mental andsubjective, a conclusion backed by a meta-analysis of placebo studies that was carriedout in 2010 by researchers at the Cochrane Collaboration,
an organisation that reviews evidence for medical treatments.
In the case of depression, says Dr Kirsch, giving patients placebo pills can produce verynearly the same effect as dosing them with the latest antidepressant medicines.
Pain is another nerve-related symptom susceptible to treatment by placebo.
Here, patients expectations influence the potency of the effect.
Telling someone that you are giving him morphine provides more pain relief than saying youare dosing him with aspirineven when both pills actually contain nothing more than sugar.
Neuro-imaging shows that this deception stimulates the production of naturally occurringpainkilling chemicals in the brain.
A paper in Philosophical Transactions by Karin Meissner of Ludwig-Maximilians University inMunich concludes that placebo treatments are also able to affect the autonomic nervoussystem, which controls unconscious functions such as heartbeat, blood pressure,digestion and the like.
Drama is important, too. Placebo injections are more effective than placebo pills, andneither is as potent as sham surgery.
And the more positive a doctor is when telling a patient about the placebo he is prescribing,the more likely it is to do that patient good.
Despite the power of placebos, many conventional doctors are leery of prescribing them.
They worry that to do so is to deceive their patients.
Yet perhaps the most fascinating results in placebo researchmost recently examined byTed Kaptchuk and his colleagues at Harvard Medical School, in the context of irritable-bowelsyndromeis that the effect may persist even if patients are told that they are gettingplacebo treatments.
Unlike their conventional counterparts, practitioners of alternative medicine often excel atharnessing the placebo effect, says Dr Ernst.
They offer long, relaxed consultations with their customers.
And they believe passionately in their treatments, which are often delivered with great andreassuring ceremony.
That alone can be enough to do good, even though the magnets, crystals and ultra-dilutesolutions applied to the patients are, by themselves, completely useless.
1.alternative a.两者择一的;供选择的
We have the alternative plans of having a picnic ortaking a boat trip.
2.placebo n.安慰剂;安慰话
The placebo has been found to work with a lot ofdifferent cases.
3.complementary a.补充的;互补的
His personality is complementary to hers.
4.rigorous a.严格的;严厉的
The planes have to undergo rigorous safety checks.
5.crystal n.水晶;结晶体
I lost my crystal necklace at the party.
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