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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  BARACK OBAMAS health reform was supposed to bring universal health coverage toAmerica on January 1st, 2014. It wont. To understand why, consider states such asMississippi.


  Terry Brown, a Republican state senator there, stood before his colleagues on June 28th, asthey lounged in summer poplin and seersucker. They had assembled to decide whetherMississippi would expand Medicaid, the public health program for the poor, as Obamacareurges. That day Mississippi said it would not. I dont want Mississippi to be a part of that trainwreck, said Mr Brown.


  Obamacare aims to extend insurance to the poor in two main ways, both starting in 2014.First, it required states to offer Medicaid to all those with incomes of up to 138% of thefederal poverty level, or $15,856 for an individual. The federal government and the states usuallyshare the cost of Medicaid. But Obamacare would pay for the expansion through 2016, withthe feds share falling to 90% in 2020.


  Second, individuals would be able to shop for insurance on new state-based markets, calledhealth exchanges. Those with incomes between 100% and 400% of the federal poverty levelwould qualify for federal subsidies.


  Neither provision is going as planned. Last year the Supreme Court made the Medicaidexpansion optional. At least 21 states say they will opt out. Even more are refusing to setup their own exchanges, leaving the task to federal bureaucrats.


  Mississippi would seem the ideal place to cover more poor people. It is Americas pooreststate and has the shortest life expectancy. Its current Medicaid programme is amongAmericas least generous. Mississippians devote an unusually large share of their income tohealth care . One resident in five is uninsured.


  But Obamacares main provisions have gone nowhere in the Magnolia State. The fight overthe Medicaid expansion involved hair-raising brinkmanship. Had lawmakers not votedbefore July 1st, the states entire Medicaid programme would have stopped functioning.Republicans insisted an expansion was unaffordable. State Medicaid costs would haveincreased by 7% from 2013 to 2022, estimates the Urban Institute, a think-tank. That ismuch less than the expected 30% increase in Medicaid subsidies from the centralgovernment. But the 7% rise would have been bigger than in any other state, mostly becauseMississippis current Medicaid programme is so skimpy.


  The fight over the states exchanges was equally bareknuckle. Mississippis electedinsurance commissioner wanted a state-based exchange. The Republican governor, PhilBryant, wanted nothing to do with Obamacare. After a messy spat, plans for a stateexchange dissolved. By default, Mississippi will have a federally facilitated exchange,managed by the health secretarys deputies. So far only two insurers have made bids to sellhealth plans on it. Residents of 42 counties will have a choice of only one subsidised plan; 36counties will have none. And many poor Mississippians will be ineligible for Medicaid.


  Stansel Harvey is the boss of the Delta Regional Medical Centre, in the heart of old cottoncountry. The Mississippi Delta contains some of Americas poorest counties. About 10% of MrHarveys patients fail to pay their bills. The insurance expansion would have made many ofthem paying customers. Crucially, that new revenue would have helped offset anotherObamacare change: lower payment rates to hospitals. Without new insurance revenue, MrHarvey reckons that he may need to cut services. If other hospitals follow suit, Mississippianswill have a problem. In the age of Obamacare, they may have less access to health care, notmore.




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