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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  2015复习正是强化复习阶段,在考研英语中占了40分,所以考研英语阅读是英语科目中重要的一项。名师老师曾建议过考研生需要坚持每天泛读10-15分钟的英文原刊。强烈推荐了杂志《经济学人》.杂志中的文章也是考研英语的主要材料来源.希望考研考生认真阅读,快速提高考研英语阅读水平。   A synthetic jellyfish that swims   人造水母水中游   Meet Medusoid, a bioengineered artificial jellyfishcreated by researchers at the California Institute ofTechnology and Harvard University.   这就是梅多索依德,一个通过生物工程技术制得的人工水母,它由来自加利福利亚理工学院和哈佛大学的研究者亲手打造。   Less than a centimetre in diameter, it was made by printing a pattern of protein onto asilicone base.   通过在硅树脂的基底上涂刷某种特定蛋白质制作而成的它,直径不足一厘米。   This pattern acted as a map on which cells from the heart muscle of a rat were grown.   这种特定蛋白质就好像是一张地图,在其表面上附着着生长好的老鼠心肌细胞。   When set free in a container of seawater,   当我们将它放入装有盐水的容器中,   the muscles could be jolted into action with a small electric charge to produce synchronisedcontractions, allowing Medusoid to swim.   那些肌肉细胞在小电荷产生的同步收缩作用下,上下摆动,梅多索依德便会游动起来。   The work, reported in Nature Biotechnology,   《生物科技进展》关于本项目的报道中指出,   was carried out to study the pumping action of muscles, which could be used to help designbetter artificial hearts.   该项成果成功地研究了肌肉的抽吸作用,这有助于我们研制出更好的人工心脏。   词语解释   1.act as 担当, 起的作用   Special forces act as death squads hunting downinsurgent leaders.   特种部队在一直充当追捕叛军首领的敢死队角色。   As for censorship, chief editors act as theultimate gatekeepers.   为了审查,主编就充当了终极门卫的角色。   2.set free 释放;放走   He has made them set free captured mahdi army leaders.   马利基让他们释放了被捕的迈赫迪军领导人。   After that, he must be set free for a short time.   以后必须暂时释放他。   3.carry out 执行;进行   They say he used a military-style assault rifle to carry out the shooting spree.   警方表示,他使用一支军用突击步枪进行了这次疯狂枪杀。   They have their own laboratory where they carry out about 30 water tests an hour.   他们自己拥有的实验室,在实验室里每个小时可以进行30次水质测试。   4.jolt into 变成   The economy s jolt into recession in 2009, when it shrank by almost 8%, forced a rethink.   2009年俄罗斯出现经济衰退的动荡,当它下跌到近8%时,人们被迫进行反思。   Money permitting, maybe a spate of joblessness would jolt me into taking more initiative.   如果财力允许,或许失业一阵子会迫使我变得更加主动。



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