

发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  2015复习正是强化复习阶段,在考研英语中占了40分,所以考研英语阅读是英语科目中重要的一项。名师老师曾建议过考研生需要坚持每天泛读10-15分钟的英文原刊。强烈推荐了杂志《经济学人》.杂志中的文章也是考研英语的主要材料来源.希望考研考生认真阅读,快速提高考研英语阅读水平。   Cosmology   宇宙学   Man suddenly sees the start of the universe   揭秘宇宙的起源   The quest to understand reality takes a greatleap backwards   科学新突破探索宇宙诞生之初的真相   IN THE beginning was the word and the word was inflation.   宇宙初始皆起源于膨胀二字。   That is no blasphemy. It is, rather, a celebration of human curiosity, ingenuity andbloody-minded persistence in the quest to try to find out how the universe actually works.   与其说这是对神明的亵渎,不如说是人类对于宇宙奥秘求知若渴、精密巧思和坚持不懈的颂扬。   No one yet knows how the universe came into existence.   没有人能知晓宇宙是如何从无到有的。   Those who believe it was created by God are as free today as they were a week ago tocontinue in that belief, as are those who think the whole thing is the chance result of aquantum fluctuation in the nothingness beforehand.   相信神创世论的人们可以像一周前一样继续他们的信仰,而那些相信量子波动创世论的人也可以同样不改初衷。   But results of a study of the early universe using BICEP2, a telescope located near the SouthPole, where the air is thin and isolation keeps equipment clean, suggest what happened veryshortly afterwards.   然而,科学家们在空气稀薄纯净、能最大限度降低设备杂质的南极建立了 BICEP2大型望远镜,并据此研究揭开了宇宙创始后极短时间内发生的事情。   These findings, announced on March 17th, are of signs of primordial gravitational waves.   3月17号公布的最新发现显示了原始引力波存在的迹象。   They confirm the theory, debated among astrophysicists for three decades, that within atrillionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a second of the moment it began the universe gotbigger. Immensely bigger.   证实了一个在天体物理学界被争论了三十年的理论:宇宙在诞生之后的一万亿的一万亿的一万亿分之一秒内急速膨胀至超级大。   A volume of space that started off no larger than an atom in the pre-inflation universewould, after inflation, have been about the size of the solar system.   从膨胀前比原子还小的空间扩大至太阳系大小。   Apart from the sheer gobsmackingness of this claim, the BICEP2 team s discovery isimportant for three reasons.   除了让人感叹上帝创世的无穷威力之外,BICEP2研究团队的发现有三个重要意义。   By confirming inflation it explains why the universe still exists,since it was inflation whichstopped it fluctuating back into the void.   首先,通过证实膨胀的发生解释了宇宙为什么依然存在,正是因为膨胀,才避免了宇宙波动回到之前的虚无状态。   By confirming the existence of gravitational waves, it bolsters Einstein s general theory ofrelativity, which predicts them.   其次,爱因斯坦广义相对论预测了宇宙膨胀的发生,而通过证实引力波的存在为这一理论的提供了支持证据。   And by linking gravitational waves with inflation it provides a chink through whichphysicists can peer to try to solve one of their field s biggest mysteries: why generalrelativity, which has passed every test applied to it, cannot be reconciled with quantumtheory, which has also passed every test applied to it.   第三,通过把引力波和膨胀联系起来,物理学家们打开了一扇可以解决本领域内最大谜团之一的大门:为什么广义相对论和量子理论这两个已经被无数次证实了的真理始终无法共存。   Quantum theory is the theory of small things.   量子论是研究微观世界的理论。   It describes electromagnetism and two less-familiar forces that operate at the scale ofatomic nuclei.   描述了电磁学和另外两个鲜为人知的作用力在原子核层面的相互联系。   Relativity theory is the theory of big things. It describes the force of gravity.   而相对论是研究宏观世界的理论,描述了引力的原理。   Since inflation is the way the universe made the transition from small to big, it is a goodplace to look for the missing link.   既然膨胀理论是宇宙从微观到宏观的过渡,这就为寻找两者之间尚未发现的联系提供了绝佳的机会。   Not quite as simple as an apple and a persuasive serpent   这可比蛇诱夏娃吃禁果复杂多了   The gravitational waves detected by BICEP2 date from the beginning of the inflationaryprocess and are thus a product of the small, quantum-scale version of the universe.   由BICEP2望远镜发现的引力波产生于膨胀过程的初始,因此这是一个微小的、处于量子层面的宇宙的产物。   This means they are quantum phenomena,the first known manifestations of quantumgravity.   这就表明它们是量子现象,第一个已知存在的量子引力。   That confirms the link between relativity and quantum theory.   也证明了相对论和量子论之间的关联性。   It also gives physicists investigating the link something real to play with in their search forhow that link actually works.   同时这也让物理学家们有了进一步研究这种关联性的真实基础。   A little caution is called for. It can be dangerous, in science, to put too much faith in a singleset of observations.   但值得警惕的是,在科学世界里,把过多的注意集中到某个单一的观察结果上是很危险的。   The gravity,wave signals that BICEP2 has found,slight fluctuations in the intensity of thecosmic microwave background, an all,pervading bath of radiation that preserves somefeatures of the very early universe,are but a faded palimpsest.   BICEP2天文台发现了引力波信号,在宇宙微波背景强度下的一些轻微波动,但这个信号已经很大程度上被其他信号覆盖。   They have been overwritten time and again by other signals, and these have had to bescraped away to make the gravitational waves visible.   而为了得到最终的引力波,需要把那些干扰信号逐个去除。   Confirmation using other instruments is needed.   因此,我们需要其他设备对引力波的存在性进行再次核实。   Other teams of scientists will now try to find similar evidence; new researchers will getexcited about the field.   其他科学家们将会致力于寻找相似的证据;也欢迎新研究者在此领域前赴后继。   This is welcome. The merging of particle physics and cosmology is one of the greatintellectual achievements of the past 50 years.   新兴的粒子物理学和宇宙学是过去50年以来最大的科学进步之一。   And in showing that the deepest truths of the material universe are to be found by gazingout into the deepest, earliest recesses of space, it feeds not just the intellect, but the spirit.   凝望最遥远、最原始的空间深处。那里埋藏着关于宇宙物质的最终解答,对这个答案的求索不仅是人类关于知识的渴望,更是灵魂的满足。   词语解释   1.find out 找出,发现   They conducted two studies to find out.   她们实施了两个研究去查明结果。   There is always more to find out.   还有很多东西要我们去探索发现。   2.try to 试图,设法   You need to try to find some common ground.   你需要设法找出你们之间的一些共同点。   Extreme political movements will try to exploit the unrest.   极端的政治运动将设法利用这种动荡局势。   3.apply to 适用于;运用   The same logic could well apply to the iphone.   同样的逻辑或许也完全适用于iphone。   The first two claims are rubbish; the third does not apply to london.   前两项声称都是废话;第三条也不适用于伦敦。   4.look for 寻找,寻求   Always look for ways to improve.   总是寻找不同的方法改进。   Look for computer programs which encourage reading.   找一些可以促进阅读的电脑程序。



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