

发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  2015复习正是强化复习阶段,在考研英语中占了40分,所以考研英语阅读是英语科目中重要的一项。名师老师曾建议过考研生需要坚持每天泛读10-15分钟的英文原刊。强烈推荐了杂志《经济学人》.杂志中的文章也是考研英语的主要材料来源.希望考研考生认真阅读,快速提高考研英语阅读水平。   Synaesthesia   通感   Smells like Beethoven   闻起来像贝多芬   Using the word note to describe an odour may bemore than just metaphor   用音符来描述气味可能并不仅仅是个隐喻   What do you hear?   你闻到了什么?   THAT some people make weird associations between the senses has been acknowledged forover a century.   有些人的感觉之间存在着奇怪的联系,这种情况一百多年来已为世人所知;   The condition has even been given a name: synaesthesia.   它甚至还有了个名字,叫做通感。   Odd as it may seem to those not so gifted,   也许常人会觉得奇怪,   synaesthetes insist that spoken sounds and the symbols which represent them give rise tospecific colours or that individual musical notes have their own hues.   通感者却坚持说听到说话的声音时,他们脑子里出现的是特殊的颜色,还会说每个音符都有自己的色彩。   Yet there may be a little of this cross-modal association in everyone.   其实所有人可能都有点这种跨感官感知联合现象。   Most people agree that loud sounds are brighter than soft ones.   大多数人都同意响亮的声音比轻柔的声音亮些。   Likewise, low-pitched sounds are reminiscent of large objects and high-pitched ones evokesmallness.   同样,低音让人联想起宏大的物体,高音给人渺小的感觉。   Anne-Sylvie Crisinel and Charles Spence of Oxford University think something similar is truebetween sound and smell.   牛津大学的Anne-Sylvie Crisinel和Charles Spence认为,气味和声音之间也存在类似的联系。   Ms Crisinel and Dr Spence wanted to know whether an odour sniffed from a bottle could belinked to a specific pitch, and even a specific instrument.   Ms Crisinel 和Dr Spence想弄清楚瓶装的气味能否与特定的音调甚至乐器联系起来。   To find out, they asked 30 people to inhale 20 smellsranging from apple to violet andwood smokewhich came from a teaching kit for wine-tasting.   为了找出答案,他们测试了30人,让每人吸入20种气味从苹果、紫罗兰的气味到木材烟尘这些气味来自品酒师教材。   After giving each sample a good sniff, volunteers had to click their way through 52 sounds ofvarying pitches, played by piano, woodwind, string or brass,   在认真体味每种气味后,志愿者要从52种音调不同、   and identify which best matched the smell.   音色各异的声音中点选出听起来感觉与气味最相配的。   The results of this study, to be published later this month in Chemical Senses, are intriguing.   研究结果十分有趣,本月将被发表在《Chemical Senses》杂志上。   The researchers first finding was that the volunteers did not think their request utterlyridiculous.   第一,研究者发现志愿者并不认为这项实验荒唐透顶。   It rather made sense, they told them afterwards.   试验结束后,志愿者们说实验还是有点意义的。   The second was that there was significant agreement between volunteers.   第二,志愿者的意见有重要的共同点。   Sweet and sour smells were rated as higher-pitched, smoky and woody ones aslower-pitched.   他们认为酸、甜的气味音调高,烟味和木头的气味音调低;   Blackberry and raspberry were very piano.   黑莓味和覆盆子味闻起来很像钢琴,   Vanilla had elements of both piano and woodwind.   香草味像钢琴和木管乐的混合体,   Musk was strongly brass.   麝香味则非常像铜管乐。   It is not immediately clear why people employ their musical senses in this way to help theirassessment of a smell.   为什么人们会用乐感来帮助自己评价味道?答案并不能被立刻揭晓。   But gone are the days when science assumed each sense worked in isolation.   但是科学已不再认为人的各种感觉之间没有联系了。   People live, say Dr Spence and Ms Crisinel,   博士Dr Spence和Ms Crisinel说:   in a multisensory world and their brains tirelessly combine information from all sources tomake sense, as it were, of what is going on around them.   人们生活在这个世界上,万事万物会引起各种感觉。大脑似乎在不停地综合来自各方面的信息,判断周围发生的事情。   Nor is this response restricted to humans.   这种反应也不仅仅发生在人类身上。   Studies of the brains of mice show that regions involved in olfaction also react to sound.   研究显示,老鼠大脑的嗅觉区同样会对声音做出反应。   Taste, too, seems linked to hearing.   味觉似乎也与听觉有关联。   Ms Crisinel and Dr Spence have previously established that sweet and sour tastes, likesmells, are linked to high pitch, while bitter tastes bring lower pitches to mind.   此前Ms Crisinel和Dr Spence已经确定,酸味、甜味就像酸、甜的气味一样与高音相关;苦味则带来低音的感觉。   Now they have gone further.   如今他们走得更远。   In a study that will be published later this year they and their colleagues show how alteringthe pitch and instruments used in background music can alter the way food tastes.   在今年计划发表的一项试验中,二人与同事揭示了背景音乐中乐器和音调的改变会如何引起食物味道的改变。   In this experiment, each volunteer was given four pieces of toffee.   在这项试验中,每位志愿者得到了四块太妃糖。   They consumed the other two, however, to the accompaniment of a higher-pitched pianopiece.   他们在忧郁低沉的铜管乐声中吃掉两块,又听着音调较高的钢琴曲吃掉另外两块。   Volunteers rated the toffee eaten during low-pitched music as more bitter than that consumedduring the high-pitched rendition.   志愿者评价说,音乐的音调低时吃的糖较苦,音调高时吃的糖较甜。   The toffee was, of course, identical.   当然,所有的太妃糖都一样。   It was the sound that tasted different.   声音才是尝起来味道不一样的东西。   词语解释   1.give rise to 引起,导致,造成   Many models say the factors that give rise to theindian monsoon are likely to weaken.   很多模式表明,引起印度季风的因素会削弱。   First, in any economic slump fear can easily giverise to protectionist policies on tariffs and quotas.   首先,在任何经济滑坡时期,担忧会轻易造成保护主义关税和配额政策的增多。   2.sniff from 闻   niff directly from the bottle to feel fresh and fight melancholy.   直接从瓶中闻香,感受清新,对抗忧郁。   Mosquitoes can sniff out an attractive human dinner target from as far as 40.   蚊子能从40英里之外嗅出合其口味的就餐目标。   3.link to 与连接, 联系   Just send them a link to the google docs file.   只需给他们一个google docs的文件链接。



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