2015复习正是强化复习阶段,在考研英语中占了40分,所以考研英语阅读是英语科目中重要的一项。名师老师曾建议过考研生需要坚持每天泛读10-15分钟的英文原刊。强烈推荐了杂志《经济学人》.杂志中的文章也是考研英语的主要材料来源.希望考研考生认真阅读,快速提高考研英语阅读水平。 British politics 英国政治 She came, she saw, she conquered 她来过,领略过,征服过 A great biography of an extraordinary life 一本记录撒切尔夫人传奇人生的传记 Margaret ThatcherThe Authorised Biography,Volume I: From Grantham to the Falklands. ByCharles Moore. 《玛格丽特撒切尔授权传记,卷一:从格兰瑟姆市到福克兰群岛》作者:查尔斯摩尔 IT HELPS to be lucky if you are a politician and Margaret Thatcher was luckier than most:lucky that she came to power when the old order was crumbling and lucky that heropponents were so feeble. Now she is proving to be lucky in death. First came a semi-statefuneral that had the British establishment on bended knee and the British public out on thestreets; now comes the first volume of an authorised biography that may well turn out to beone of the great lives of modern times. 政客运气总是比常人要好。玛格丽特撒切尔比大多数的政客运气都还要好:在她上台之际,旧秩序正值崩溃,而她的对手也不堪一击。现在,她连死亡都是幸运的。首先是一个准国葬,葬礼上英国政要皆屈膝以示敬意,而英国民众纷纷在沿街表达他们的悼念之情。现在则是她授权的传记第一卷的出版发行,这部传记很有可能成为现代最伟大的著作之一。 This first volume takes the story from Mrs Thatcher s childhood above a grocer s shop inGrantham to victory in the Falklands war in 1982. A second volume, Herself Alone, will tellthe rest of the story. Charles Moore, a veteran journalist and former editor of the weeklySpectator magazine and the Daily Telegraph, is proving the ideal biographer. He has spent16 years reading Mrs Thatcher s private papers, to which he had unique access, andinterviewing everyone who mattered. But he also possesses the literary panache to bring thedullest sources to life. He is close to his subject both ideologically and personally. But he alsoacknowledges that she could be impossible, and often was: hectoring, bullying andinterfering. 在传记中,第一卷讲述了撒切尔夫人从格兰瑟姆市一个零售商女儿成长为赢得1982年马岛战争的铁娘子的故事。第二卷《她自己》将讲述之后的故事。作为周刊《旁观者》和《每日电讯报》的资深记者兼前任编辑,查尔斯摩尔就是一个完美的传记作者。充分利用自己查阅撒切尔夫人私人文件的特权,摩尔花费了16年的时间来研究这些文件,并采访每一个相关人员。但他也拥有卓越的文学才华,能够将最枯燥的材料写得栩栩如生。无论在思想上,还是私人交情上,摩尔都与撒切尔夫人十分亲近。但他也承认,她有时候的确很难应付,并且她通常喜欢颐指气使、恃强凌弱、事事干涉。 The first 200-odd pages are hard-going. As a person rather than a politician she is of limitedinterest. She had no intellectual hinterland and was quite content to repeat the clichs of thestockbroker belt. If she had a sense of humour, nobody has ever found it. Mrs Thatcher searly careerfrom the scholarship to Oxford, an early love affair, a job as an industrialchemist and her first forays into Conservative politicsis hardly the stuff of high drama. MrMoore does a good job of evoking the atmosphere of post-war Britain. He reveals that DenisThatcher, whom she married in 1951, once repaired to South Africa for two months andcontemplated divorcing her. Still, few readers will wish this section were longer. 最开始200多页的内容读起来索然无味。褪去政治家身份的撒切尔,与常人并无异处。她没有任何科研成果,并且满足于重复富人区的陈词滥调。她没有幽默感。她的早年生涯拿到牛津大学奖学金,年轻时的爱恋,工业化学家的工作,第一次闯进了保守党阵营都不是多少精彩的故事。在讲述这段时间内的事情过程中,摩尔很好地营造了一种二战后英国的氛围。他大爆料, 1951年娶了她的丹尼斯撒切尔,曾经在南非呆过两个月,考虑着是否要与她离婚。尽管如此,很少有读者想继续探究下去。 Things really take off with Mrs Thatcher s election as Conservative Party leader in 1975. MrMoore brilliantly reconstructs the drama of those years. He reminds the reader of how bigthe stakes were in everything from industrial relations to the Falklands war. Mrs Thatcher wasin an extraordinary position: the oldest, grandest, in many people s eyes the stuffiestpolitical party in the world had chosen a leader whose combination of class, inexperienceand sex would previously have ruled her out. But Mr Moore avoids the luxury of hindsight.Political events tumble over each other. Politicians grope about in the dark. Patterns emergeslowly. 1975年,撒切尔夫人被选为保守党领袖,从这开始故事才变得有意思起来。摩尔十分精彩地重现了这段流光岁月。他向读者展示了,从工业革命到马岛战争,所有事情都充满着巨大风险。与其他首相相比,撒切尔夫人的处境不同寻常:世界上历史最悠久的、规模最庞大的、在许多人眼里最死板僵化的政党,选择了一位这样的领导人:在此之前她会因为来自底层阶级、缺乏经验、身为女性,而被直接排除在外。不过摩尔避免了大篇幅的后知后觉。毕竟,政治问题之间总会有冲突,政客们也是摸着石头过河,政治模式的出现总需要时间。 Margaret Thatcher grows with the turning of the pages. She summons up extraordinarypersonal resources not just to break with the old order but to put a new one in its place. Noneof this was easy. The entire Thatcherite project was frequently in danger of faltering, asunemployment soared, cities burned and the ditherers conspired. The situation became sodire in 1981 that Mrs Thatcher s advisers sent her a memo castigating her management styleand warning that she would soon be joining Edward Heath on the backbenches. 随着时间的推移,玛格丽特撒切尔也在变得更加老练成熟。她以常人少有的勇气与旧秩序决裂,同时打造新秩序。这两件事都不容易。所有这些撒切尔主义项目经常面临各种垮台的危险,因为失业率急速增长,各大城市情况堪忧,反对者纷纷密谋反叛。情况发展到1981年已经十分危急,连撒切尔夫人的顾问也都向她寄去一份简报,激烈指责她的管理方式,并警告说她可能很快就加入爱德华希思成为后座议员了。 How did she manage all this Mr Moore shows that it took more than ideological certainty andpersonal stubbornness. Mrs Thatcher had a gift for seeing when the time was ripe and when itwas not. She had a natural bond with what Richard Nixon called the silent majority. She hadan actor s gift for putting on a good show. Mrs Thatcher s opponents repeatedly played intoher hands: Heath, the titular leader of the Tory ditherers, known as the wets, was arepulsive figure who grew more repulsive with age and Michael Foot, the Labour leader,had an unfortunate habit of dressing like a scarecrow. 然而她是怎样应对这些的呢?摩尔将其描述为远非坚定的意志和倔强的个性就足够。撒切尔夫人有着判断时机的良好禀赋。她与理查德尼克松所说的沉默的大多数之间有着天然纽带。她就像是一个天生的演员,与生俱来就擅长上演一出精彩的戏。撒切尔夫人的对手总会正中她的下怀:名义上保守党反对派的领袖希思,是著名的温和派,他的为人令人厌恶,而且越老越惹人烦,还有工党领袖迈克尔福特,他喜欢把自己打扮得像个稻草人一样,有这个习惯实在是不幸啊。 The book ends on a high note. Britain s victory in the Falklands war consolidated MrsThatcher s hold over the Tory Party. The economy began to recover. And the Labour Partyrendered itself unelectable. At the same time the seeds of her self- destruction werealready apparent. It is not often that you can say of a 900-page book that it leaves youwanting to read more. But in this case it is true. 该书在高潮部分收了尾。英国在马岛战争中的胜利有效地巩固了撒切尔夫人对保守党的控制。经济也开始复苏。工党的糟糕表现也致使它们自身无法赢得选举胜利。不过,与此同时,撒切尔夫人也开始走下坡路了。人们很少会说,读完一本900页的书还觉得意犹未尽,但是这本传记就做到了。 词语解释 1.turn out to be 结果是,原来是,证明是 None of those assertions turn out to be accurate. 这些断言没有哪一个证明是准确的。 But this may turn out to be wishful thinking. 这也可能是一厢情愿的想法。 2.possess to 具备 She has that intangible quality that a player must possess to be a champion. 她具有冠烟运动员所必备的那种无法形容的素质。 What discontent do you possess to wu jihe? 乌纪荷你有什么不满吗? 3.content to 满足 We re content to achieve what others expect rather than what we re truly capable of doing. 我们总是满足于达到别人的期望,而不是达到我们真正能力所及的水准。 Instead, most private-equity firms have been content to buy minority stakes in chinesecompanies. 于是,大多数私募股权投资公司都满足于购买中国公司的少数股权。 4.take off 脱掉;起飞 When games become popular, they tend to take off very quickly, says blau. 游戏流行时,它们往往会很快起飞,布劳说。 It also makes for a more comfortable take off. 这也让乘客在起飞时更感舒适。
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