2015复习正是强化复习阶段,在考研英语中占了40分,所以考研英语阅读是英语科目中重要的一项。名师老师曾建议过考研生需要坚持每天泛读10-15分钟的英文原刊。强烈推荐了杂志《经济学人》.杂志中的文章也是考研英语的主要材料来源.希望考研考生认真阅读,快速提高考研英语阅读水平。 New Japanese fiction 新晋日本小说 Slightly off A haunting introduction to the work ofan important Japanese author 伤感自难忘日本知名作家小川洋子作品的简略介绍 Revenge: Eleven Dark Tales. By Yoko Ogawa. 《复仇:十一个暗黑传说》,作者小川洋子; AN ELDERLY man who curates a museum of torture.A landlady who grows carrots shaped like hands. A woman who buys a birthday cake for herdead son. The odd stories of Yoko Ogawa, a Japanese author, irrupt into the ordinary worldas if from the unconscious or the grave. Revenge, the latest collection to be translatedinto English, offers a short and haunting introduction to her work. 在传说中,年老的男人管理着收藏煎熬的博物馆,女房东种着人手形状的胡萝卜,妇女为死去的儿子购买生日蛋糕。日本作家小川洋子的这些奇特故事,仿佛从坟墓中破土而出或者由无意识逃逸而出,侵入正常的世界。《复仇》,作为小川洋子最新一本被翻译为英文的合集,让我们可以一窥其作品那萦绕其中的美丽哀伤,经久难忘。 Nameless narrators describe strange and often shocking encounters in cool, almost ordinarylanguage. The characters suffocate, are stabbed to death, die crushed by the detritus ofthe world. Ms Ogawa has said her work is influenced by Haruki Murakami s magical-realiststyle. There are fantastic flashes, such as a woman born with a heart outside her body. Yetthe overall effect is more David Lynch: the rot that lurks beneath the surface of the world. 佚名叙述者描述了离经叛道甚而多是骇人听闻的故事,用语却是冷淡,或可以算上平常的语句。故事人物或死于窒息,或被刺而亡,或被尘世碎石压碎而亡。小川女士曾说过,她的作品深受村上春树魔幻现实风格影响。奇异画面闪烁作品其中,如一位妇女与身体之外的心共降临于世。然而整体效果其实更像大卫林奇的现实主义:发掘潜藏在世界表面之下的腐烂。 Ms Ogawa has written more than 20 books and won every big literary prize in Japan. TheEnglish translation of her novel The Housekeeper and the Professor in 2009 brought herattention and success in America. Publishers keen to spot the next Murakami have nowreleased four of her books in English. Her translator, Stephen Snyder, describes her work asremarkably diverse. 小川女士已著有20本书,并包揽了每一个日本文学大奖。2009年,她的小说《女管家和教授》的英译版让她在美国赢得了巨大的关注和成功。那些热衷寻找下一位村上春树的出版商已经出版了四本她的小说的英译版。她的译者,斯蒂芬斯奈德认为小川洋子的作品极其与众不同,独一无二。 Her novels range from tender to sadomasochistic; her stories are more straightforwardlydisturbing. This weird otherworldly quality is deeply Japanese, says Mr Snyder. It is in parta reaction to the glassy perfection of this self-conscious society. Ms Ogawa s fictionconsiders what is out of place. She is less concerned with brutality than with loss andabsence. 她的小说文笔波诡,基调可由温柔细腻转至施虐受虐,更多是直截了当的让人烦躁不安。斯奈德先生认为,这种奇异,难以理解,超脱世俗根植于日本。这种风格是小川女士对这个过于关注他人评价的社会,缠绕其间那如玻璃般的完美的反应。小川女士的小说关注的是那些和完美世界格格不入的东西。她不是为了书写残酷故事而创作,迷失和缺席才是她更加关心的事。 Yet there is a steadying effect in her stories through repeating motifsa classic techniqueof Japanese poetry. Rotting food and body parts recur; actors in one story reappearobliquely in others. The result is a spectral connectedness. Ms Ogawa understands theconsolation of order within apparent randomness. One story describes a dying man scluttered house: As I studied the mass more closely, I began to feel that it was not theproduct of random accumulation but that it actually had a coherent form all its own. 通过重复主题这一经典的日本诗歌技巧,她的故事有种稳定的效果。正在腐烂的食物和尸体反复出现,在一个故事出现的角色会在另一个故事里间接地出现,这些都是冥冥之中早注定。表面杂乱无章,小川女士却深谙顺序的艺术。她有个故事,描述了一个将死男人,凌乱不堪的房间。 当我对于乱有更深的理解,我开始意识到它不是随意积累的产物,而事实上,它有着自己条理性的形式。 词语解释 1.translate into 翻译成;转化成 But impressive top-line numbers didn t translateinto a profitable business. 但令人垂涎的巨额数字并没有转化成实实在在的盈利。 So when will those kind words translate into moremoney? 那么,什么时候这些溢美之辞才能转化为更多的工资收入呢? 2.describe as 描述为 The nautilus institute has been involved in energy projects in north korea since 1992 and hascollated what diplomats describe as the most credible snapshots of energy supply there. 鹦鹉螺研究所自1992年起开始参与朝鲜的能源计划,并已比照了被外交官描述为该国最可信的能源供应快照。 Not grotesquely ogre-like ugly, but definitely not what anyone would describe as handsome. 虽不像怪物那般奇丑,但也绝对不是人人所说的那种英俊。 3.begin to 开始 Nobody wants to watch your science projects blossom mold or begin to stink up thecommunal space. 没有人想看着你的科研项目绽放霉菌,也没人想看到它们把整个公共空间搞得臭气熏天。 Remember, however, you ll begin to build a reputation during these encounters. 但要记住,从这些会面中你就得开始建立口碑。
2016届高考英语二轮复习冲刺演练:第17练 阅读理解+任务型阅读+短文改错+书面表达(江苏专用)
2016届高考英语二轮复习单元能力检测:必修4 Module1 Life in the Future(外研版)
2016高考英语(浙江专用)二轮复习课件:第1部分 专题10 并列句和状语从句
2016届高考英语二轮复习冲刺演练:第15练 阅读理解+任务型阅读+短文改错(江苏专用)
2016届高考英语二轮复习单元能力检测:必修3 Module6 Old and New(外研版)
2016高考英语(浙江专用)二轮复习课件:第2部分 专题5 书面表达
2016届高考英语二轮复习单元能力检测:必修4 Module3 Body Language and Non-verbal Communication(外研版)
2016届高考英语二轮复习单元能力检测:必修1 Module1 My First Day at Senior High(外研版)
2016届高考英语二轮复习单元能力检测:必修1 Module2 My New Teachers(外研版)
2016届高考英语二轮复习冲刺演练:第20练 完形填空+阅读理解+短文改错(江苏专用)
2016届高考英语二轮复习单元能力检测:必修3 Module2 Developing and Developed Countries(外研版)
2016届高考英语二轮复习单元能力检测:必修2 Module6 Films and TV Programmes(外研版)
2016届高考英语二轮复习单元能力检测:必修2 Module1 Our Body and Healthy Habits(外研版)
2016届高考英语二轮复习冲刺演练:第16练 完形填空+阅读理解(江苏专用)
2016届高考英语二轮复习单元能力检测:必修5 Module2 A Job Worth Doing(外研版)
2016届高考英语二轮复习单元能力检测:必修5 Module1 British and American English(外研版)
2016高考英语(浙江专用)二轮复习课件:第1部分 专题12 情景交集
2016届高考英语二轮复习冲刺演练:第14练 完形填空+阅读理解+短文改错(江苏专用)
2016届高考英语二轮复习单元能力检测:必修2 Module4 Fine Arts—Western,Chinese and Pop Arts(外研版)
2016届高考英语二轮复习单元能力检测:必修5 Module5 The Great Sports Personality(外研版)
2016届高考英语二轮复习单元能力检测:必修4 Module6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World(外研版)
2016届高考英语二轮复习单元能力检测:必修2 Module5 Newspapers and Magazines(外研版)
2016高考英语(浙江专用)二轮复习课件:第1部分 专题11 特殊句式
2016届高考英语二轮复习微专题强化训练:1 语法必备 3 代词
2016届高考英语二轮复习单元能力检测:必修3 Module5 Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China(外研版)
2016届高考英语二轮复习单元能力检测:必修2 Module3 Music(外研版)