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发布时间:2011-09-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Chapter 16 A FOREST WALK

第十六章 林中散步

"Didst thou ever awake, and find thy mother gone?" asked Hester.


"Not that I remember," said the child. "If thou fearest to leave me in our cottage, thou mightest take me along with thee. I would very gladly go! But, mother, tell me now! Is there such a Black Man? And didst thou ever meet him? And is this his mark?"


"Wilt thou let me be at peace if I once tell thee?" asked her mother.


"Yes, if thou tellest me all," answered Pearl.


"Once in my life I met the Black Man!" said her mother. "This scarlet letter is his mark!"


Thus conversing, they entered sufficiently deep into the wood to securethemselves from the observation of any casual passenger along the forest track. Here they sat down on a luxuriantheapof moss; which, at some epochof the preceding century, had been a giganticpine, with its roots and trunk in the darksome shade, and its head aloftin the upper atmosphere. It was a little dellwhere they had seated themselves, with a leaf-strewn bank rising gently on either side, and a brook flowing through the midst, over a bed of fallen and drowned leaves. The trees impendingover it had flung down great branches, from time to time, which choked up the current, and compelled it to form eddiesand black depths at some points; while, in its swifter and livelier passages, there appeared a channel-way of pebbles, and brown, sparklingsand. Letting the eyes follow along the course of the stream, they could catch the reflected light from its water, at some short distance within the forest, but soon lost all traces of it amid the bewildermentof tree-trunks and underbrush, and here and there a huge rock covered over with grey lichens. All these giant trees and boulders of granite seemed intent on making a mystery of the course of this small brook; fearing, perhaps, that, with its never-ceasing loquacity, it should whisper tales out of the heart of the old forest whence it flowed, or mirror its revelationson the smooth surface of a pool. Continually, indeed, as it stole onward, the streamlet kept up a babble, kind, quiet, soothing, but melancholy, like the voice of a young child that was spending its infancy without playfulness, and knew not how to be merry among sad acquaintance and events of sombrehue.


"O brook! O foolish and tiresome little brook!" cried Pearl, after listening awhile to its talk. "Why art thou so sad? Pluckup a spirit, and do not be all the time sighing and murmuring!"


But the brook, in the course of its little lifetime among the forest-trees, had gone through so solemnan experience that it could not help talking about it, and seemed to have nothing else to say. Pearl resembled the brook inasmuchas the current of her life gushedfrom a well-spring as mysterious, and had flowed through scenes shadowed as heavily with gloom. But, unlike the little stream, she danced and sparkled, and prattledairilyalong her course.


"What does this sad little brook say, mother?" inquired she.


"If thou hadst a sorrow of thine own, the brook might tell thee of it," answered her mother, "even as it is telling me of mine! But now, Pearl, I hear a footstep along the path, and the noise of one putting aside the branches. I would have thee betakethyself to play, and leave me to speak with him that comes yonder."


"Is it the Black Man?" asked Pearl.


"Wilt thou go and play, child?" repeated her mother. "But do not stray far into the wood. And take heedthat thou come at my first call."


"Yes, mother," answered Pearl. "But if it be the Black Man, wilt thou not let me stay a moment, and look at him, with his big book under his arm?"


"Go, silly child!" said her mother impatiently. "It is no Black Man! Thou canst see him now, through the trees. It is the minister!"


"And so it is!" said the child. "And, mother, he has his hand over his heart! Is it because, when the minister wrote his name in the book, the Black Man set his mark in that place? But why does he not wear it outside his bosom, as thou dost, mother?"


"Go now, child, and thou shalt teaseme as thou wilt another time," cried Hester Prynne. "But do not strayfar. Keep where thou canst hear the babbleof the brook."


The child went singing away, following up the current of the brook, and striving to minglea more lightsome cadencewith its melancholyvoice. But the little stream would not be comforted, and still kept telling its unintelligiblesecret of some very mournfulmystery that had happened- or making a propheticlamentationabout something that was yet to happen- within the vergeof the dismal forest. So Pearl, who had enough of shadow in her own little life, chose to break off all acquaintance with this repiningbrook. She set herself, therefore, to gathering violets and wood-anemones, and some scarlet columbinesthat she found growing in the crevicesof a high rock.


When her elf-child had departed, Hester Prynne made a step or two towards the trackthat led through the forest, but still remained under the deep shadow of the trees. She beheld the minister advancing along the path, entirely alone, and leaning on a staff which he had cut by the wayside. He looked haggardand feeble, and betrayed a nervelessdespondencyin his air, which had never so remarkably characterised him in his walks about the settlement, nor in any other situation where he deemed himself liable to notice. Here it was woefullyvisible, in this intense seclusionof the forest, which of itself would have been a heavy trial to the spirits. There was a listlessnessin his gaitas if he saw no reason for taking one step farther, nor felt any desire to do so, but would have been glad, could he be glad of anything, to flinghimself down at the root of the nearest tree, and lie there passive, for evermore. The leaves might bestrewhim, and the soil gradually accumulate and form a little hillockover his frame, no matter whether there were life in it or no. Death was too definite an object to be wished for, or avoided.


To Hester's eye, the Reverend Mr. Dimmesdale exhibited no symptomof positive and vivacioussuffering, except that, as little Pearl had remarked, he kept his hand over his heart.




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