Longer conversation
A)He likes Sweden better than England。
B)He prefers hot weather to cold weather。
C)He is an English living in Sweden。
D)He visits London nearly every winter。
答案B)He prefershot weather to cold weather。
A)The bad weather
B)The cold houses。
C)The gloomy winter。
D)The long night。
答案B)The coldhouses。
A)They often stay up late reading。
B) They work hardand play hard。
C) They like to gocamping in summer。
D) They try toearn more and spend more。
答案B)They work hard and play hard。
C)English literature
D)Public Administration
24. A)English teaching。
B)Staff training。
C)Careers guidance。
D)Psychological counseling
25. A)Its pleasant environment。
B)Its worldwide fame。
C)Its generous scholarship。
D)Its well-designed courses。
答案A)Itspleasant environment。
Passage 1
A) Characteristicsof Japanese artists
B) Some featuresof Japanese culture
C) The art ofJapanese brush painting
D) The uniquenessof Japanese art
答案:C) The art of Japanese brush painting
27. A) To calmthemselves down
B) To enhanceconcentration
C) To show theirimpatience
D) To signal theirlack of interest
答案:B) To enhance concentration。
A) How listenersin different cultures show respect
B) How speakerscan win approval from the audience
C) How speakerscan misunderstand the audience
D) How differentWestern and Eastern art forms are
答案A) How listeners in different cultures showrespect
Passage 2
29. A) Directingpersonnel evaluation。
B) Buying andmaintain equipment。
C) Drawing upplans for in-service training。
D) Interviewingand recruiting employees。
答案: B) Buying and maintain equipment。
A) Some of hisequipment was damaged in a fire。
B) The trainingprogram he ran was failure。
C) Two of hisworkers were injured at work。
D) Two of hisemployees committed theft。
答案:D) Two of his employees committed theft。
A) A betterrelationship with his boss。
B) Advancement toa higher position
C) A better-payingjob in another company
D) Improvement inthe companys management
答案:B) Advancement to a higher position。
A)She has moreself-confidence than Chris。
B)She works withChris in the same division。
C)She has moremanagement experience than Chris。
D) She iscompeting with Chris for the new job。
答案:D) She is competing with Chris for the newjob。
Passage 3
33. A) They helpus see the important values of a culture。
B) They guide usin handling human relationships。
C) They help usexpress ourselves more effectively。
D) They are aninfinite source of human knowledge。
答案:A)They helpus see the important values of a culture。
34 。
A) Their wordingsmay become different。
B) The values theyreflect may change。
C) Their originscan no longer be traced。
D) They may bemisinterpreted。
答案:B) The values they reflect may change。
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