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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  原因是在原文中有很多干扰信息,其迷惑性极高,容易使人掉入其陷阱当中。所以遇到这种题型,首先务必明确其所有相关数字它们分别代表什么,并且关键是问什么,做好相应笔记,不要张冠李戴,盲目作答。尤其是要分清数字中-teen和-ty等之类读法的区别:前者为重读音节ee发长元音/ i:/,而后者不是。

  【例1】 2001.6

  M: I wonder if Suzy will be here by 5 oclock.

  W: Her husband said she left home at 4:30, she should be here at 5:10,maybe 5:15 at the latest.

  Q: What time did Suzy leave home?

  A) 5:15 B) 5:10 C) 4:30 D) 5:00

  【解析】 首先辨清问题是Suzy什么时候从家里出发,Suzy的丈夫说她4:30离家,所以C正确,A、B、D都为干扰选项,A是Suzy最晚需要到达的时间,B是Suzy应该到达的时间,D是预先计划到达的时间。


  W: Tom, you know that America covers an area of 9 million square kilometers?

  M: Thats right. I also know the continental United States stretches 5,418 kilometers from the east to the west.

  Q: What is the breadth of the continental USA from the east to the west?

  A) 5,418 kilometers B) 5,481 kilometers

  C) 9,000 kilometers D) 3,592 kilometers

  【预测】 看到这种选项,表明其答案在原文播音中一定会放出,应做好相应 笔记。

  【解析】 通过合并同类项方法可以排除选项C,因为四位数前两位都是54,难点在于分清18和80的读法区别至关重要:eighteen eighty。所以选A,正确四位数读法为five thousand four hundred and eighteen。

  1. A) 9:30 B) 10:15 C) 10:50 D) 14:15

  2. A) 7:50 B) 7:45 C) 8:00 D) 8:10

  3. A) 700,000 B) 717,130 C) 717,300 D) 770,300

  4. A) Once a week B) Twice a week

  C) Three times a week D) Four times a week

  5. A) 713 B) 730 C) 733 D) 731

  6. A) 564-5055 B) 564-6055

  C) 565-6055 D) 564-5066

  7. A) Eight a.m to six p.m B) Eight a.m to twelve noon

  C) Nine a.m to twelve noon D) Nine a.m to six p.m

  8. A) $ 15 B) $45 C) $ 50 D) $ 65

  9. A) 218 B) 280 C) 224 D) 242

  10. A) 8:00 B) 8:10 C) 8:15 D) 8:30

  1. 【选B】原文重现

  M: Is there a regular train service to Rome , aside from the additional one at 14:15 tomorrow?

  W: Yes, there is a train every morning at 9:30 that arrives in Rome at 10:15.

  Q: When does the train usually arrive in Rome every morning?


  come across 遇见;发现 come after 跟在后面;跟踪

  come at 袭击;向扑来 come for 来接人;来取物

  2. 【选D】原文重现

  M: My watch says its ten to eight now, and my brothers watch says a quarter to eight, but the clock by the elevator says eight ten.

  W: Well, let me have a look! Then the clock by the elevator is correct.

  Q: Whats the time according to the woman?


  have a look 看一看 have a race 赛一赛

  have a rest 休息一下

  3. 【选C】原文重现

  M: I can hardly believe that city has a population of 700,000.

  W: To be more exact, there are 717,300 people there.

  Q: What is the population of that city?

  4. 【选B】原文重现

  M: Your daughter seems to have made much progress in playing piano. Did she attend any piano classes?

  W: Yes, she took lessons twice a week, but from next week on, she will go to the class on Monday evenings only.

  Q: How often did the womans daughter have piano lessons?


  attend 出席,参加 attend on 照顾,侍候

  attend to 专心;照顾,护理

  5. 【选A】原文重现

  M: Are we supposed to leave at 7:30?

  W: Im not sure, all I know is that the flight number is 713.

  Q: What is the flight number they are going to take?


  take away 拿走 take apart 拆开

  take care 小心;照料;保管 take charge 掌管,负责,看管

  6. 【选B】原文重现

  M: I want to make a person to person call to Frank in Washington D.C.. The number is 564-6055.

  W: One moment, please. Ill get that number for you.

  Q: What number should the woman dial?

  7. 【选C】原文重现

  M: I hope that the library will be open.

  W: The sign says: eight a.m to six p.m weekdays. Nine a.m to twelve noon Saturdays. Closed Sundays.

  Q: When will the library be open on Saturdays?

  8. 【选A】原文重现

  M: Whats wrong with you? You look so upset.

  W: Not with me. Tony never keeps his word. He promised to return the $50 to me last month, but he only gave me $15 last week.

  Q: How much did Tony return to the woman?


  keep ones word 言而有信 keep from 阻止;使免于;隐瞒

  keep on 继续;反复 keep off 避开;不让接近

  keep away 使离开

  9. 【选B】原文重现

  M: How much does your dress cost?

  W: I bought it in Wall-Mart. It was so expensive, and cost 280 yuan. I found the same item in a Chinese store and 20% cheaper.

  Q: How much did the woman pay for her dress?

  10. 【选D】原文重现

  M: What time does the film start? I hope we can be there on time.

  W: At 8:30, We still have 15 minutes to get there.

  Q: What time dose the film start?


  start 开始 start off 出发,动身;开始

  start up 突然站起,惊起



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