新四级听力听写练习第一单元Lesson 1-查字典英语网
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新四级听力听写练习第一单元Lesson 1

发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Part A

  Drill One

  bit,seat, hang, dead,him,lead, meet,had, rat, kept

  Drill Two

  1. Please read the text after me.

  2. Did Bill send his sister a TV set?

  3. Will you give me that map?

  4. Ted spent ten days at that factory.

  5. Will you sit next to Bill, Amy?

  Part B

  Dialogue 1



  Are you from England?

  No, I am from America. Where are you from?

  I live in Paris, but I am not French.

  So you are from?

  Australia. May I know your name?

  Sure, I am Amy Brown.

  And I am Bill Smith. What are you doing here?

  I am a student. And you?

  I am a news reporter. I am working here. Well, nice to meet you, Amy.

  Nice to meet you, too.

  Dialogue 2

  Hello, Mr. Li.

  Hello,are you a student here?

  Yes, I am in your history class, Mr. Li.

  Are you? Your name is ...?

  Hellen Becker, I am from England.

  Ah, yes, how you like my classes, Hellen?

  They are very interesting. I really like Chinese history.

  I am glad you like it. Do you live on the campus?

  Yes, I do. I live in the international students dormitory.

  You dont have classes this morning, do you?

  No, I dont. I am walking around the campus. It is so beautiful just like a park.

  yes, it is. Ok, I am going to my office now. Nice talking to you,Hellen.

  Nice talking to you, too. See you tomorrow, Mr. Li.

  Good bye.



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