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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Smart 词汇记忆组群84


  blaze n. 火;闪光

  vi. 燃烧

  flame n. 火焰,火舌:The house is in flame.

  flash n. ①闪光,闪烁:A flash of lightning scared her.一道闪光吓倒了她。②闪光灯:l need flash for this shot.我拍这张照片需要用闪光灯。

  v. ①闪光,闪烁:A lamp was flashing in the dark. ②闪现:Her eyes flashed joy.她的眼中闪烁着高兴的表情。③飞驰

  glow n. 光亮,光辉:The fireplace cast a warm glow on the wall.壁炉的火在墙上呈现出一片光。

  vi. ①(脸)红,(身体)发热:Jane glows with health.珍尼红光满面。②发光

  spark n. 火花,火星

  vi. 放出火花:The fire is sparking dangerously.

  vt. 触发,引起:The accident sparked off a chain of disasters.那个事故引发了一连串的灾难。

  sparkle n. 火花

  vi. 闪耀;发出火光

  fire n. ①火 ②火灾,失火 ③火力:The soldiers returned the enemys fire. ④热情,激情:His speech lacked fire.他的演讲缺乏激情。

  vi. 开火,开枪: Fire! orderd the captain.

  vt. ①放枪,射出子弹:He fired several shorts at the birds. ②开除,解雇:He was fired by his boss.

  catch on fire 着火:The hay caught on fire easily.干草很容易着火。

  on fire 起火:The forest was on fire.森林着火了。

  play with fire 玩火:Dont play with fire.

  set fire to 使燃烧,点燃:The thief was caught setting fire to the house.小偷在放火时被抓。

  under fire 遭到攻击,受严厉批评:The army is under fire from all sides.部队四面遭受攻击。


  disaster n. ①灾难,大祸:Many people died in the disaster. ②彻底的失败:His career is a disaster.

  drought n. 旱灾,干旱

  earthquake n. 地震quake

  earth n. ①地球:The moon goes round the earth.月球绕地球转。②陆地,地面 ③土,泥:He filled a hole with earth.他用泥土把洞填起来。

  on earth 到底,究竟

  typhoon n. 台风

  volcano n. 火山

  wreck v. ①破坏,毁坏:Some robbers wreck the bank. ②造成失事,使遇难:The plane had been wrecked off the Pacific Ocean.飞机在太平洋上失事。

  n. ①失事,残骸:The car becomes a wreck in the accident.那辆车在事故中成了废铁。②精神或身体己垮的人:The illness left him a helpless wreck.那场病让他不能自理。

  collapse vi. ①塌下:The whole building collapsed. ②崩溃:He collapsed under the pressure of work.他被工作压力压垮了。

  n. ①倒塌:The collapse of the building blocked the road. ②崩溃:The economy is in a state of collapse.经济处于崩溃状态。

  collision n. ①碰撞 ②冲突,抵触:His activity brought him in to collision with the law.他的行为触犯了法律。

  crash vi. ①碰撞,坠落:The tree crashed to the window. ②发出撞击声:The vase crashed to the floor. ③破产:The company crashed with so many debts.那个公司因为负债累累而破产。

  vt. ①撞击,撞碎 ②冲,闯:He crashed the party without a permission.他未受邀请就闯进了晚会。

  n. ①冲撞:There is a crash in which two cars collided. 有一个两车相撞的事故。②破碎声:I heard the crash of dishes being dropped at night.晚上我听到盘子破碎的声音。

  crush vt. ①压碎,碾碎:Crushing grapes makes wine.葡萄酒是压榨葡萄制成的。②镇压,压垮:The army crushed the rebellion.军队镇压了叛乱。

  grind vt. ①磨,磨碎:The farmer ground the corn into flour. ②压迫,折磨:The landowner ground down the peasant. 这个地主压迫农民。

  vi. 磨得吱吱作响:The old car ground and shuddered。那部旧车抖动着发出吱吱的声音。

  n. 苦差事:Marking exam papers is a real grind.批改试卷确实是个苦差事。

  grind out 生拼硬凑地写出:

  David finally ground out a composition.大卫终于写出了一篇文章。


  rack n. 挂架,搁架:a tool rack 工具架

  v. ①使痛苦,折磨:rack ones brains 绞尽脑汁 ②使紧张,使努力:be on the rack 受酷刑

  torture n./vt. 折磨,拷打



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