高一英语听力 听力课外练习1录音材料-查字典英语网
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高一英语听力 听力课外练习1录音材料

发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

高一英语听力 听力课外练习1录音材料



  (Text 1)

  W: Would you mind opening that window? We need some fresh air here.

  M: Im afraid its the kind that doesnt open.

  (Text 2)

  W: How can I get to the airport?

  M: You can go there by underground, by bus or by taxi. The underground is quickest, but the bus is the cheapest.

  (Text 3)

  W: May I change these shoes?

  M: Why? Anything wrong?

  W: No, nothing special. My daughter just doesnt like the color.

  (Text 4)

  M: If youd like to go there for dinner this evening, Ill phone the restaurant.

  W: Thank you, but I promised my sister Id take her to the airport.

  (Text 5)

  M: Did you develop all your own film?

  W: Only the black and white. I had a photo shop do my color pictures.





  (Text 6)

  M: Good afternoon. I believe that this house is for sale.

  W: Thats right.

  M: May I have a look at it, please?

  W: Yes, of course. Come in. Let me show you around it.

  M: How long have you lived here?

  W: Ive lived here since my son was born, and hes thirty.

  M: Oh, thats quite a long time.

  W: Yes, I moved here in1967.

  M: Then why do you want to sell it?

  W: Er Ive just retired. I want to buy a small one in the country. Its quiet and the air is very fresh there.

  M: How much does it cost?

  W: $150,000.

  M: Thats a lot of money. Can you bring it down?

  W: Im sorry. Its worth every penny of it.

  M: Well, I like the house, but I cant decide yet. My wife must see it first.

  W: Women always have the last word.


  (Text 7)

  M: Any plan for today, my dear?

  W: I was thinking of calling on Auntie Ann. I havent seen her since she moved to a new house.

  M: Does she know youre coming?

  W: Yes, but I told her Id call her first because I wasnt sure what time I would be coming. What about you?

  M: Im not sure yet. Maybe well call on Rick together.

  W: I havent seen him since he got back from the hospital. I have been meaning to call on him, but I just havent got around to it.

  M: It would be a good idea if we did call on him. He still doesnt feel well. Why dont you give Ann a call and see if shed like to go over to Ricks?

  W: OK, we can have a little party there.

  M: Youre joking. Remember, Rick is still sick.


  (Text 8)

  W: Hi, bob. Havent seen you for ages. Whats happened to you?

  M: I have been in hospital.

  W: Oh, sorry to hear that. But for what?

  M: Er, I had a car accident two weeks ago.

  W: Really? So you were injured and treated in the hospital.

  M: Yes. But luckily, only my left arm was broken. And I can move it now.

  W: Good. But how did it happen?

  M: I was driving to work on Broad Street and crashed into a pole.

  W: You drove too fast, I suppose.

  M: Yes, and I regret it.

  W: Remember the lesson. I hope you will return to work soon.

  M: Thanks a lot.


  (Text 9)

  One day a lawyers wife fell ill. The lawyer went to get a doctor. The doctor knew that the lawyer was famous for not paying his bills. So he said to the lawyer before he entered the house, If I do cure your wife, I am afraid you may not pay me.

  Sir, replied the lawyer. Here is $500. Whether you cure my wife or you kill her, I will give you all of this.

  The doctor believed him and went into the house. When he reached the womans bedside, it soon became clear to him that he could do little. She was seriously ill and though he gave her some medicine, she soon died.

  He told the lawyer he was very sorry, and asked for the money which he had been promised. Did you kill my wife? asked the lawyer. Of course I didnt, said the doctor. Well, did you cure my wife? asked the lawyer. m afraid that was impossible, said the doctor. Well then, said the lawyer. Since you neither killed her nor cured her, I will pay you nothing.


  (Text 10)

  Tom was in the market one day when he noticed a man with a cage in his hand. There was a parrot in the cage, and the man was selling his parrot, shouting out to the market $100! As Tom watched, someone bought the parrot.

  Suddenly Tom saw a chance to make some money, so he rushed home and got a turkey from his backyard. He returned to the market and began shouting $200 for this beautiful turkey! But nobody showed any interest.

  Finally a friend came up to Tom and said to him, Tom, are you crazy? You cant sell a turkey for that price!

  Tom said, Why not? My turkey is as beautiful as a parrot that was sold for $100 this morning, and my turkey is bigger.

  But Tom, the friend said, that parrot is valuable because it talks like a man.

  Is that so? said Tom. Well, my turkey thinks like a man.



  1-5 BCACC 6-10 BCBAC 11-15 BACCC 16-20 CCACB


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