高一上学期词汇解析Unit1 Good friends-查字典英语网
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高一上学期词汇解析Unit1 Good friends

发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Words and expressions

  honest adj. saying what is true; not stealing or cheating诚实的

  An honest man does not tell lies. 诚实的人不说谎。

  brave adj. with no fear; not showing fear勇敢的 (braver ; bravest)

  The Chinese people are a brave and hardworking people. 中国人民是勇敢勤劳的民族。

  loyal adj. faithful to a person, an ideal, a custom, a cause, or a duty忠实的; 忠诚的

  (more loyal; most loyal) a loyal friend 忠实的朋友

  The people stayed loyal to their country. 人民忠于他们的国家。

  wise adj. having good sense; knowing a lot有智慧的,聪明的 (wiser ; wisest)

  I should be able to tell who are wise and who are foolish. 我就可以辨别出谁聪明谁愚蠢。

  handsome adj. good looking漂亮的;英俊的(handsomer; handsomest)

  He was a handsome boy with large, bright eyes and blond hair.


  smart adj. clever; with a quick mind伶俐的;聪明的(smarter ; smartest)

  Don is smart in mathematics. 唐在学习数学上很聪明。

  argue v. offer reason for or against something 争论; 争辩

  What are you arguing about with your mother? 你在和你母亲辩论什么?

  solution n. the answer to a problem解答; 解决办法 [to / of/for]

  What is the solution to your trouble? 你解决困难的办法是什么?

  classical adj. that people have thought is the best for many years古典的

  I like classical music, particularly Beethovens. 我喜欢古典音乐,特别是贝多芬的音乐。

  fond adj. having a strong liking喜爱的;爱好的(fonder; fondest)

  fond of 喜欢;爱好

  I am not fond of eating meat. 我不喜欢吃肉。

  match n. 火柴

  mirror n. a piece of glass where you can see yourself 镜子

  He saw himself in the broken mirror. 他在这面破镜中照见自己。

  fry v. cook something, or be cooked, in very hot oil油炸; 油煎

  Do you prefer eggs fried or boiled. 你喜欢煎鸡蛋还是煮鸡蛋。

  gun n. thing that shoots out bullets to kill people 炮

  hammer n. tool with a handle and a metal head for hitting nails锤子;榔头

  saw n. metal instrument with sharp teeth for cutting wood, etc.锯

  Now the carpenters use a saw machine instead of a saw. 现在木工不使用锯而用锯床了。

  v. cut with a saw用锯子锯

  He was sawing all day and finally sawed the tree down. 他锯了一整天,最终把树锯倒了。

  rope n. very thick, strong string绳;索

  compass n. an instrument with a needle which always points to the north 指南针;罗盘

  movie n. 电影

  cast v. throw; throw off; let fall or drop投掷;抛 (cast; cast)

  He shut me up in the copper jar and had it cast into the sea.


  survive v. go on living through a difficult or dangerous time幸存;活下来

  Fortunately he survived the traffic accident. 他很幸运地在车祸之后还能活着。

  deserted adj. empty; with no people荒芜的; 废弃的

  The streets were deserted 街上冷落无行人。

  hunt v. to try to catch or kill animals打猎;

  Millions of people hunt and fish for a living. 成百万人以打猎和捕鱼为生。

  v. try to find eagerly; seek or search; find after a long search; find搜寻;寻找

  I spent the summer and fall hunting for a job. 整个夏天和秋天我都在找工作。

  n. looking for something搜寻;寻找

  The hunt for Marys glasses lasted one hour. 给玛丽找眼镜就用了一个钟头。

  hunt for寻找;搜寻

  in order to so that you can do something以便;为了

  People must eat in order to live. 为了生存,人就得吃东西。

  share v. to use with others; divide something and give parts to different people分享

  Try to get some more, well share them. 再弄一些,咱俩分享吧。

  n. the part belonging to a person份

  Ill bear my share of the expenses. 我愿意承担我那一份费用。

  sorrow n. sadness悲哀,悲痛

  The peoples sorrow at the death of the young queen was deep.


  care about feel interest in or solicitude about; be perturbed or worried about 担心;关心

  The first attempt may fail, but we dont care about that.


  I dont care about what you think; Im certain he is right.


  feeling n. 感觉;知觉;感情

  We had a feeling that something horrible was going to happen. 我们觉得要发生可怕的事情。

  Ive lost all feeling in the left arm. 我左臂完全失去了知觉。

  I said it in that way so as not to hurt his feelings. 我为了不伤他的感情才那么说的。

  such as 例如

  Languages, such as English and French, are not difficult to learn.


  airplane n. [c] 飞机 (aeroplane)

  parachute n.[c] 降落伞

  lie n.[c] something said in order to deceive 谎言

  You are lying and lies can not cover up facts. 你在说谎,但谎言掩盖不了事实。

  speech n.[c] talk that one gives to a lot of people 演说;讲话

  The president made a speech today. 总统今天发表了演说。

  adventure n. doing something exciting, dangerous, etc.冒险;惊险活动

  Sherlock Holmes had many adventures. 夏洛克福尔摩斯冒过多次险。

  v. to engage in hazardous activities; take risks. 冒险;参加冒险性活动

  Those explorers gallantly adventured on unknown seas.


  notebook n. a book for taking notes笔记本;笔记本电脑

  I have a notebook. 我有一本笔记本。

  scare adj. frightened; afraid恐惧的;害怕的

  I was scared of slipping on the ice. 我害怕在冰上滑倒。

  He was scared to cross the bridge. 他害怕过那座桥。

  e-pal n. 网友

  drop sb a line 给某人写信(指短信)

  formal adj. according to rules or customs正式的(more formal; most formal)

  My mother wore a long dress because it was a formal meal.


  error n. mistake错误; 过失

  It is an accidental error. 这是偶然的误差。

  South Carolina n. 南卡罗来纳(美国州名)


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