高一下学期词汇解析Unit14 Festivals-查字典英语网
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高一下学期词汇解析Unit14 Festivals

发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Words and expressions

  theme n. subject; something to talk or write about, etc.主题;题目

  What is the theme of the opera? 这个歌剧的主题是什么?

  dress up wear ones best clothes 盛装;打扮

  Lets dress up and go out to the theatre. 我们穿戴整齐到戏院看戏吧。

  They dressed their children up for the New Years Day. 他们给孩子们穿上好衣服过新年。

  parade n. a procession; a march for display 游行

  The parade will begin at 10. 游行十点开始。

  Arabic adj. 阿拉伯人的

  holy adj. 神圣的

  Easter n.[u] 复活节

  symbol n. mark, sign or picture that shows something象征;符号;记号

  The letter V is a symbol of victory. 字母V是胜利的象征。

  bunny n. 兔子(儿语)

  fighting n.[u] 战斗;打仗

  Fighting broke out between the North and the South. 南北两方发生了战争。

  conflict n. a fight; a struggle争斗;战争

  He was wounded in the conflict. 他在战斗中负伤。

  n. a clash between ideas, feelings, etc.; a disagreement冲突

  It is in conflict with the provisions of the existing treaty. 这与本条约的有关规定相抵触。

  argument n. quarrel; fight; tk between people with different ideas辩论;争论

  After a long argument, we decided where to go for our holiday.


  destruction n.[u] breaking something totally毁灭;破坏

  The strong earthquake left death and destruction behind it.


  opinion n.[c] what you think about something or somebody 意见;看法

  My opinion is different from yours. 我的看法与你的不同。

  in ones opinion 按照某人的看法

  major adj. bigger; most important; very great主要的;重大的

  Be careful, there is a major road ahead! 当心,前面有一条主要公路!

  probably adv. most likely很可能

  Do you think you can do it? Well, probably I can.


  honour vt. 尊敬;给以荣誉

  Would you honor us by sharing our dinner tonight? 今晚你是否肯赏光与我们一道用餐?

  ancestor n.[c] forefather祖先;祖宗

  John is descended from noble ancestors. 约翰为名门后裔。

  principle n. rule for living原则;原理

  We should follow the principle of seeking truth. 我们要遵循实事求是的原则。

  unity n. the state of being a united whole团结;统一

  Unity is strength. 团结就是力量。

  community n. group of people who live in one place, have the same interests, etc.团体;社区

  New quay is a fishing community. 纽基是一个渔业社区。

  nation n. a country with one government国家

  All nations, big or small, should be equal. 国家不分大小,应一律平等。

  n. a large group of people with the same race and culture 民族

  The Chinese nation is brave and hardworking. 中华民族是勤劳勇敢的。

  self-determination Xself n. determination of ones own fate 自主;自我决定

  purpose n. plan; intention; what you are going to do目的;意图

   What was the purpose of your journey to London?你去伦敦的目的是什么?

  creativity n. 创造力;创造性

  faith n.[u] feeling sure that you can trust someone or something信任;信仰

  Have you any faith in what he says? 你相信他所说的话吗?

  commercial adj. having to do with trade or business商业的

  joy n.[u] great pleasure happiness; gladness快乐;高兴

  It brings joy twofold you. 这真是双喜临门。

  light v. give light to something so that you can see it clearly照亮;照明

  (lighted, lit; lighted, lit)

  This room is lighted by electricity. 这个房间用电照明。

  v. make something start to burn or shine 点燃

  He struck a match and lit the lamp. 他擦着一根火柴把灯点着。

  similar adj. alike; almost the same相似的;类似的

  Rats and mice are similar animals. 大老鼠和小老鼠是类似的动物。

  generation n. all the people who were born at about the same time一代人

  The older generation doesnt like pop music. 老一辈的人不喜欢流行音乐。

  play a trick on unkind game to make someone look silly 捉弄

  The boys hid Jones bike to play a trick on him. 孩子们把乔恩的自行车藏起来捉弄他。

  salute vi. 敬礼

  The young soldier saluted awkwardly. 那名年轻士兵笨拙地敬礼。

  kiss v. touch someone with your lips to show your love or to say hello or goodbye吻

  Rosalind kissed her mother good night. 罗莎琳德吻了一下母亲祝她晚安。

  n. touch with the lips吻

  She gave her mother a kiss. 她吻了她母亲一下。

  cheek n.[c] part of the face below the eye and to the side of the nose面颊;脸蛋

  Tears streamed (=ran) down her cheeks. 眼泪从她的两颊流下。

  nod v. make a short, sharp downward movement with a head, as a sign of greeting, consent, approval, or the like点头(表招呼,赞同等)

  He nodded to his friends. 他向他的朋友点头。

  n. an act of nodding the head点头

  He gave me a nod as we passed each other in the street.


  celebration n. an act or occasion of celebrating庆祝;庆祝会

  The day deserves a celebration. 这个日子值得庆贺。

  reminder n. 提醒物;暗示

  respect vt. to show honour towards; admire尊敬;尊重

  Our teacher is highly respected by all. 我们的老师极受大家的尊敬。

  skeleton n.[c] bone frame in the body of an animal or person骨骼;骨架

  She is reduced almost to a skeleton by long illness. 她因长期生病骨瘦如柴。

  gift n. present; something that you give to someone礼物

  It is a gift for my brother. 这是给我兄弟的礼物。

  n. a natural power天赋

  He has a gift for foreign languages. 他有外语天才。

  cycle n. a period of time in which a series of events happens as if in a circle周期;循环

  A cycle of the sun takes a year. 太阳循环周期需要一年。

  vi. ride a bicycle 骑自行车

  Do you like cycling? 你喜欢骑自行车吗?

  fool n.[c] someone who is stupid or does something silly蠢人;傻子

  What a fool you were! 你真是个大傻瓜!

  v. trick someone and make him believe something that is not true愚弄;欺骗

  You cant fool me! I dont believe you. 你骗不了我!我不相信你。

  take in trick someone 欺骗 receive as a guest or an employee 吸收

  I am not to be taken in by your lies. 你的谎言骗不了我。

  invitation n. the act of inviting 邀请

  I received an invitation to her birthday party. 我收到了她生日宴会的请帖。

  occasion n.[c] special time(重大的)时刻;场合

  A wedding is a big family occasion. 婚礼是家庭中的一件大事。

  n.[c] a certain time, time when something happens机会;时机

  Ill speak to him on the first occasion. 一有机会,我就告诉他。

  Mardi Gras [XmA:di XgrA:] an occasion of great festivity and merrymaking


  Ramadan [ZrBmRXdBn] n. the ninth month of the year in the Moslem calendar 斋月

  Kwanzaa [XkwA:nzR] n. 款礼节

  Swahili [swA:XhIli] n. 斯瓦西里语/人



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