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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Section 61 Weather

  People say that the British always talk about the weather.人们常说英国人爱谈论天气。

  Thatrsquo;s because the weather is so changeable in the UK.那是因为英伦三岛的气候变化无常。

  At greetings, they will often comment on the state of the weather.见面时,他们常常要说说天气的状况。

  For example, they may say ldquo;Hello, lovely day todayrdquo; when they meet.比方说,见面时他们会相互打招呼说:ldquo;你好,今天天气真好。rdquo;

  Other terms are used, of course, if the weather is different.当然,如果天气状况不一样,他们的表达方式也会随之改变。

  But the phrases they use may be difficult for foreigners to understand.不过外国人是不容易理解其中含义的。

  ldquo;Weatherrsquo;s taken a turn for the worserdquo; means that the weather has changed from good to not so good.ldquo;天气转坏rdquo;说的是天气从好向不好转变。

  ldquo;Itrsquo;s raining cats and dogsrdquo; is a strange expression that means it is raining very heavily.ldquo;雨像猫狗一样往下窜rdquo;是一个很奇怪的表达方式,说的是雨下得很大。

  ldquo;A peasouperrdquo; is very thick fog; it is used because pea soup is also very thick.ldquo;豆汤rdquo;指的是很浓的雾,之所以这么用是因为豆制的汤也很浓。

  ldquo;An Indian summerrdquo; is when it is hot and sunny later in the year than usual.ldquo;印度夏天rdquo;指的是岁末时,比常年热、阳光照射比较强烈的气候。

  ldquo;Brass monkey weatherrdquo; means it is very very cold.ldquo;铜猴式的天气rdquo;说的是非常冷的天气。

  This comes from the brass canon balls used on ships long ago.这一说法来自很久以前船上的用语。

  If it was very cold, they would freeze.当天气寒冷时他们会冻僵。

  So we say ldquo;cold enough to freeze the balls of a brass monkeyrdquo;.于是我们说:ldquo;冷得要把铜猴上的球冻坏了。rdquo;

  Rain can be described as spitting, spots of rain, drizzle, light rain, showers, intermittent rain, pouring down, heavy rain or torrential, very heavy rain.雨可被描写成ldquo;滴哒小雨rdquo;、ldquo;濛濛小雨rdquo;、ldquo;毛毛细雨rdquo;、ldquo;哗哗大雨rdquo;或ldquo;倾盆暴雨rdquo;。

  Wind can be described as light, blustery or gale force.风可以用ldquo;轻拂rdquo;、ldquo;呼啸rdquo;、ldquo;微风rdquo;来描述。

  Typhoons are not common in Europe, so the word maybe comes from Asia.台风在欧洲不常见,所以这个词有可能来自亚洲。

  Hurricanes are like typhoons.ldquo;飓风rdquo;与ldquo;台风rdquo;类似。



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