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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Section 63 In the Countryside

  Mention countryside, and what do people think of?提起乡村,人们有什么样的想像呢?

  Usually mountains and hills, valleys and rivers, trees and flowers.通常会想到高山、丘陵、峡谷、河流、树木、花朵等。

  They think of walking in beautiful and peaceful environments.人们会联想到在优美宁静的环境里散步。

  Do you know that in the west, there are special laws for the countryside.你知道吗?西方有专门用于乡村的法律。

  In Britain, they have something called ldquo;The Countryside Coderdquo;.在英国,他们有一种称为ldquo;乡村规则rdquo;的法规。

  They even have countryside wardens who are sort of policeman of the countryside.他们甚至有ldquo;乡村卫士rdquo;之称,ldquo;乡村卫士rdquo;是对乡村警察的一种称呼。

  This is all to protect the countryside from city dwellers who donrsquo;t understand the ecological balance of the world outside the city.这些都是用来保护乡村不受城里人破坏而设的,因为城里人不明白城市之外整个世界的生态平衡。

  We should remember that farmers and others rely upon the countryside for their living.我们应当想到农民以及其它许多人的生活与乡村是息息相关的。

  If we disturb the ecological balance, those living there find it hard to survive.如果我们破坏了生态平衡,那些在此生长的人和物都很难生存。

  The balance between flora and fauna, animal and man is crucial to survival.植物群落与动物群落之间,以及人与动物之间的平衡是极为重要的。

  As we destroy or change the countryside, wildlife and vegetation is changed.如果我们破坏或改变了乡村,野生动物和植被都会发生变化。

  Just walking in the wrong places can destroy species of wildlife.即使是走错了地方,都有可能破坏野生物。

  Leaving rubbish or garbage lying around can kill some animals who try to eat it.随手扔废弃物,也有可能夺取那些误食的动物的生命。

  Driving too many cars into rural areas can pollute and destroy life there.太多的汽车开到乡下,也会污染那里的生活环境。

  We should remember that plants are as much living things as humans and animals.我们应当记住植物与人和动物一样都是有生命的。



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